Scrog screen in RDWC - impractical?


Active Member
Currently stumbling through my first grow, 6 bucket RDWC in the first week of flower, with a screen hanging over the canopy to keep things even. The screen isn't permanently attached, it hangs from strings at the moment since I was unsure how the hell I would be able to clean out the buckets when I do a res change every week or so.

I am at a crossroads now, do I attach the screen permanently to the wall of the room and never clean out the buckets again this cycle (since I have no way to remove the net pots from the buckets once they grow through the screen)? Or do I leave the screen hanging so there is a way to raise the screen up several feet to be able to remove the net pots so I can clean out the buckets weekly?

Pics from a few days ago, they are growing like crazy now and poking their tops through the net all over the place.
level 2.jpgoverview.jpg

Any advice besides "grow in soil if you want to attach a scrog screen"?


Active Member
I grow in hydro with a scrog. IMO it's better than soil.
Do you clean out the buckets once the plants start growing through the screen? Or do you just leave them alone at that point?

I'm referring to the last 2" or so of water and leftover nutes that remains in the bottom of the bucket after draining everything. I've seen a lot of gunk built up in the last 2" of liquid that can't be drained out (I've been using a shop vac to get this out up until now).

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
With everything in its current place, connect the lids to the screen so that the plants raise/lower with it(weight permitting of course) but the reservoir stays put. I picture it working....


Well-Known Member
Do you clean out the buckets once the plants start growing through the screen? Or do you just leave them alone at that point?

I'm referring to the last 2" or so of water and leftover nutes that remains in the bottom of the bucket after draining everything. I've seen a lot of gunk built up in the last 2" of liquid that can't be drained out (I've been using a shop vac to get this out up until now).
I grow in a waterfarm which makes things a bit easier.