Sea of problems!!!!!!!!**********


Well-Known Member
just a few quickies on the sea of green method,

can u grow sea of green using bubbletubs, as all of the SOG's ive seen are in pots, if so then what is the best number of plants i could get into a 10gal bubble tub???
just wondering wetha to sog my hydro.

also is sog mostly for people who want a continuous smoke throughout the year? or is it the best way to get max yield from a plant, as apposed to me growing 16 plants from start to finish and then growing another 16 clones?


Well-Known Member
yes sog is the best way to have continous smoke throughout the year

yield for yield, lb for lb, sog will outyield larger plants because the turn around is so fast

sog is not system dependant, although i would stress that the reason most sog is flood and drain or system set up for potted plants is because the ease of use and movability

in bubblers/dwc types...the roots get so big, its almost impossible to move the plants where you need to them to be or remove to replace with more plants once the former plant is done/needs to be harvested

any system will work, but just make sure you cater it to your needs...or you'll be kicking yourself later or complaining about how much work it is

in my humble opinion, flood and drain in pots is the best sog combo


Well-Known Member
mmmmmm cheers for that!!!! not really gone down that route so i will leave that flood and drain and stick with my dwc for now!!! im going to grow around 16 decent sized plants in 8 dwc systems (2 per tub) maybe 3, to about 5 foot at harvest. Then start over with fresh clones, seems the easiest way for me at the moment, pretty much so i can keep track of everything going on without getting to cross wired!!

But thanks for the advice, and deffo give u a +rep for that!!!!!


Well-Known Member
5' at harvest is a little much

i would be worried if your dwc tubs can hold that weight up

you dont need that big of a plant

you can make dwc unit with 6-8 sites, lollipop and have the same yield, if not more


Well-Known Member
5' at harvest is a little much

i would be worried if your dwc tubs can hold that weight up

you dont need that big of a plant

you can make dwc unit with 6-8 sites, lollipop and have the same yield, if not more
so how tall do you suggest i let them get at harvest approx?? so u mean as apposed to doing like 16 i cud do 32 half size ones and they would be better?


Well-Known Member
yes just cuz you have a big plant that does not equal yield

sure in theory it would, but other factors come into play (i.e. how much light you have to flower it, cuz if you have a big plant.... and a little light....your little light will negate your big plant and it'll be a waste)

sog is JUST that, multiple, many tiny plants in the same space as 4 big huge plants

single cola plants are easier to trim as well


Well-Known Member
yes just cuz you have a big plant that does not equal yield

sure in theory it would, but other factors come into play (i.e. how much light you have to flower it, cuz if you have a big plant.... and a little light....your little light will negate your big plant and it'll be a waste)

sog is JUST that, multiple, many tiny plants in the same space as 4 big huge plants

single cola plants are easier to trim as well
mmmm just seen a few pics on lollipopping, does it stress the plant??? also that sound perfect for my grow set up, does it work well for indicta plants? also do you have an info on how to lollipop????


Well-Known Member
lollipop will work on any plant

moreover, some growers like to use more indica based strains than sativa in SOG type ops because sativas will sometimes outgrow their situation.

but any plant can be trained to sog well

no lollipopping does not stress plants, another pruning technique, if you will

there really is no info on lollipopping b/c it is so simple

just remove 1/3rd of the lower branches on the plant

and up until week 4 of flowering, you can remove stems/leaves that are over 1inch long

and also flowering at or around 6"-12"


Well-Known Member
lollipop will work on any plant

moreover, some growers like to use more indica based strains than sativa in SOG type ops because sativas will sometimes outgrow their situation.

but any plant can be trained to sog well

no lollipopping does not stress plants, another pruning technique, if you will

there really is no info on lollipopping b/c it is so simple

just remove 1/3rd of the lower branches on the plant

and up until week 4 of flowering, you can remove stems/leaves that are over 1inch long

and also flowering at or around 6"-12"
mmmmmm very nice info!!! so i wud be pretty much better off putting 4 plants into 1 bubblebucket, and still have 8 bubblebuckets all connected to a main res and pump, but lollipop them as the lower branches wud be pretty much starved of light, just for the record, my set up is a 1.2m wide tent by 2.4m long, and i will be using 2 x 600w lamps!


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me

but i still think you should drop the bubblers/dwc tubs/buckets

not efficient at all

and what if your power goes out? all your plants could die in a matter of seconds/minutes/hours


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me

but i still think you should drop the bubblers/dwc tubs/buckets

not efficient at all

and what if your power goes out? all your plants could die in a matter of seconds/minutes/hours
nah, my power wont go off, they wud be ok for a few hours if it did! also why dont u think theyre efficient? they seem to be one of the best ways for explosive growth and yield, what way do you grow?


Well-Known Member
efficient meaning in sog

if your power goes out in your dwc, your air pumps go out.

using medium in pots or using medium period reduces the risk of the plant dying due to pump failure, power outages, etc etc


Well-Known Member
whats medium or sog got to do with anything? im not using the sog method, im thinkin of using the lollipop method with 4 plants per tub.

im sorry but i dont understand what u mean, i'll take the chance on a power cut, i can drain the system if this happens anyway temorarily.


Active Member
hey ste147, if you dont mind me poping in for a sec.
the lollipoping method of pruning your plants is almost always used in the SOG method, and reall if you gone have, i think i calculated 32 plants in you system then tha is prity much a small SOG the medium point LoudBlunts makes i believe is to dowith t he fact that if the plant is grown in a medium then that medium will hold water for a period of time (maybe a few hours depending on the medium) which gives u tha lil bit of breathing space should the worst happen an the power does go out.

Happy Planting :)


Well-Known Member
oh right, cheers for that, well, if i use 4 bubble buckets all connected to a main res, i can have as many or as few plants growing in the holes as i like within reason, got most of my info now on what i want to do!!! so now im currently buying all my gear to get started!!!!!