Seagulls on laxatives

Rats mice squirrels groundhogs wolves crows rattlesnakes neighbor's cat and them fucken mocking birds pecking on them frosted turds. No qualms offing any of them.

Have you even seen a wolf? did not know there was a pack in PA... Groundhogs are an essential element in maintaining prairies and grasslands, what could a squirrel do to make you kill it? and a mocking bird? cmon
Have you even seen a wolf? did not know there was a pack in PA... Groundhogs are an essential element in maintaining prairies and grasslands, what could a squirrel do to make you kill it? and a mocking bird? cmon
What could a mockingbird do to make you kill it? How bout, MOCK :dunce:
Have you even seen a wolf? did not know there was a pack in PA... Groundhogs are an essential element in maintaining prairies and grasslands, what could a squirrel do to make you kill it? and a mocking bird? cmon

Groundhogs are also an essential element in maintaining our calendar.
And the mockingbird probably learned his unapproved second-grade nickname, and how to say it. For that, it must die. cn
And the mockingbird probably learned his unapproved second-grade nickname, and how to say it. For that, it must die. cn

Rats mice squirrels groundhogs wolves crows rattlesnakes neighbor's cat and them fucken mocking birds pecking on them frosted turds. No qualms offing any of them.

does it make you feel like a big man to kill and abuse defenseless animals, lmfao, the big man killing little animals for kicks

how pathetic( and when i mean pathetic i mean tiny limp dick having bitch), that you and fin have joined forces to abuse/kill animals for pleasure,
The older I get the more I appreciate animals. I had an owl land in my tree the other day he must have been 2-3 feet tall.
The inquisitive in me thought. "shoot it"
Luckily the kinder /lazier me said fuck that and I got to watch this beasty mother fucker stare at my dogs like they were pussies
and when he was ready flapped those big ass wings and split. I think he was doing steroids because he really was powerfull.
Most people I know around here grew up shooting things as sort of a right of passage or maybe they were molested
who knows but I`m over it. Me shooting a squirrel at this point is stupid I already know I can and I already have noodles.
Plus I really think nature is doing a good job of balancing itself out without me going all Rambo on the birds that eat the things that eat the things that eat pot plants. Honestly I can not judge since I have partaken but I get a bigger thrill seeing a woodpecker
alive than dead.
Have you even seen a wolf? did not know there was a pack in PA...

I hit one on my Harley Ultra about 5 years ago. 2,600$ worth of damage, and a dead wolf. Big mo'dicker, too.

I saw 4 Timber Wolves in the U.P. of Michigan 4 years ago, and those thangs are fuckin HUGE!!

Pulled over and plucked some quills from a road kilt porcupine on that motorcycle trip, too. Still have them and they are sharper than an eagles eye!!!
Man you just as stupid as before.

I dont care if someone pointed it out already.

The fact that you have not corrected it is what amazes me!

The only trolling is you with your stupid ass spam links trying to makes 5cents and shit.

Go fuck your sister or something - you freak

Or mop the floor with your stupid ass hair with your dumbass face.

Buck already pointed that out. Congratulations on finding a way to suck at the lowest form of trolling. Why don't you argue some semantics, or make a meme instead.
I agree, but i still love hunting.

I grew up hunting with me gramps, its part of who I am.

The older I get the more I appreciate animals. I had an owl land in my tree the other day he must have been 2-3 feet tall.
The inquisitive in me thought. "shoot it"
Luckily the kinder /lazier me said fuck that and I got to watch this beasty mother fucker stare at my dogs like they were pussies
and when he was ready flapped those big ass wings and split. I think he was doing steroids because he really was powerfull.
Most people I know around here grew up shooting things as sort of a right of passage or maybe they were molested
who knows but I`m over it. Me shooting a squirrel at this point is stupid I already know I can and I already have noodles.
Plus I really think nature is doing a good job of balancing itself out without me going all Rambo on the birds that eat the things that eat the things that eat pot plants. Honestly I can not judge since I have partaken but I get a bigger thrill seeing a woodpecker
alive than dead.
Man you just as stupid as before.

I dont care if someone pointed it out already.

The fact that you have not corrected it is what amazes me!

The only trolling is you with your stupid ass spam links trying to makes 5cents and shit.

Go fuck your sister or something - you freak

Or mop the floor with your stupid ass hair with your dumbass face.

goddamn, now that's some trolling.
Have you even seen a wolf? did not know there was a pack in PA... Groundhogs are an essential element in maintaining prairies and grasslands, what could a squirrel do to make you kill it? and a mocking bird? cmon

No, just on TV but know that they are well established in central PA. Even bigger a problem is coyotes. They are all around the Philly burbs. I don't mind them so much because they do a job on stray cats. Groundhogs do what? First off there are damn few prairies or grasslands in PA. Perhaps you're thinking of prairie dogs or gophers which are one tenth the size of a whistlepig. Woodchucks do a lot of damage like burrowing under your front door step, demolishing your garden, and spreading the ticks that carry Lyme disease. Squirrels clean out even my squirrel proof bird feeder and shit on the railing of my deck and invade my attic in the winter. Mocking birds and their cousin catbirds are noisy, annoying (when they buzz you), and disrupt other bird's nests.

I don't know how I forgot deer. Major Lyme disease spreaders, fauna destroyers, and car wreckers.
does it make you feel like a big man to kill and abuse defenseless animals, lmfao, the big man killing little animals for kicks how pathetic( and when i mean pathetic i mean tiny limp dick having bitch), that you and fin have joined forces to abuse/kill animals for pleasure,

No it doesn't. Does it make you feel like a man to make ad hominem comments. For your information, most wild animals die by being eaten alive. Keep in mind that I don't abuse them and I don't kill them for pleasure. Just clearing vermin from around the house.
No it doesn't. Does it make you feel like a man to make ad hominem comments. For your information, most wild animals die by being eaten alive. Keep in mind that I don't abuse them and I don't kill them for pleasure. Just clearing vermin from around the house.

my bad, i forgot , without your eradication of vermin your life. or precious existance, would be in danger and you know what your right they would die anyway, good thing we have people like you doing natures good work, circle of a facade . .where you feel it necessary to kill animals that do nothing but live in the surrounding they are in, kinda like humans . . . .only difference we like to use fancy words from dead languages to try and excuse our behavior by invalidating how clinical your behavior is of some one who has issues

i live in Washington fool, home of some of the largest forest in the lower 48. . even grew up in the woods . . . .. well our house was at the edge of a national reserve . . . .and ya unless hunting( where i woods use/eat all the animal ) i have never known any need to clear vermin, trapped and moved some raccoons once that's about it

your want to kill defenseless animals speak volumes . . . . about your character, especially that you cant even admit that you do it out of want not need