Seasons Over! Chopped And Hanging


Well-Known Member
Had a small bud worm problem with the Trainwreck. A couple started turning into a lot. Not a fan of chemicals in the final 2 weeks of flower so I decided to chop. Ended up drying and jarring a little over 4oz. Used 25gr to cook with. All the little stuff. So I was excited about that. The JackH and MastodonK went 2 extra weeks because the worms never even bothered with them which I found odd. I'm still in the drying process with the MK and JH. So i dont have official dry weight for them. The pic on the scale is the JH after 4 days hanging and 2days in paper bags. Im sure I'll lose a little more weight but at this point I can't imagine it being more than few grams. So 3.2oz on the JH. Some of the top colas next to a monster can for comparison. Never took a pic of the TW hanging but thats all of it in jars. Minus a zip- my wife wanted some to cook with. Pic1- JH hanging. Pic2- JH bud shot. Pic3- TW curing. Pic4- JH &MK With fan leaves removed getting 2 days of darkness before the chop. Pic5&6 MK hanging. Pic7- JH on the scale. Pic8- JH colas next to monster can. Pic9- everything I'm letting my wife cook with off the MK. Pic10.- 27grams grinded down and wrapped in cheese cloth simmering in butter for 6hours...
Trainwreck- 4.4oz, JH- 3.6 (probably be 3.3 in a day or so)
MK- I'm guessing 6.5 to 7oz considering it was 2x bigger than the TW. So 3 plants and a little under a lb..Could always do better but I'm happy seeing many are having problems with the late starts and early cold weather moving in... Good luck to those with ladies still in the ground!!!



Well-Known Member
looking pretty good for an early chop!
Unfortunately I'm a renter. We have house inspections every 6 months. Hiding them the first time around was no problem. But there was no way I could have concealed them for this inspection coming up. For some reason everyone wants to see whats going on in the So I had no choice but to play the cards delt.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Good call.
Now all you need to do is trade some with somebody that's holding some mature Indica so you can have some good nighttime smoke too (My fav).


Well-Known Member
Hahaha. Being a registered nurse, I have no problem sleeping after doing 12s 4days in a row... but I've always been a more clear/cloudy trich kind of guy! My wife hates the couch lock effect and my couch hates me for sitting on it for hours after I get down on some good/mature indica.... plus i need the up when I'm rocking destiny all night!!


Well-Known Member
Yum Yum...! but a bit large them stalks ...may take longer to dry out...?
I prefer mine in 18 inch sections, and then poke my self in the eye constantly
...checking them out


Well-Known Member
I have to be careful getting the wife too blitzed, she loses her 'fun factor'(lol) and I end up with this because "zombies" could get us one day... lol... not that I'm complaining about the gun but living near a naval air station, I'm waiting for the "alien" talk to come out next and who knows what we'd need next to fend them off!! Lol...
Zombie edition mossberg 12g with chainsaw handle...



Well-Known Member
Scatter gun ain't gonna do much against the might of 'our' weaponry
or is it the 'Chinese no its Eye SIS this week
sell the gun for a radiation detector and deep water well ...lo


Well-Known Member
Vos. Never thought about the stalk length when drying... I'll for sure keep that in mind for next time. Next grow is going to be a bubble boy dwc scrog. So hopefully i wont have to deal with long stalks... Thanks for the advice though!