Second go around with Black Domina and White Widow Fem'd all CFL's!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so this is my second go around for an indoor grow with just CFL's. I didn't yield much my first go around, but it was just a learning experience to reacquaint myself with indoor growing.

What you'll see is a bunch of different plants, but only the White Widow and Black Domina will be kept indoors. The rest ( Armageddon, Millennium, Neville's Haze, El Nino, Red Devil{if they sprout}, and Lightning) will be grown outdoors in a spot I have yet to pick out.

I am starting them all indoors so that when the outdoor season comes around they will be big enough and strong enough to transplant them in their final homes and I wont have to worry about much.

I plan on presexing them all before they go out so I wont have to worry about pollination and males. However, I may keep one male and keep his pollen to cross a few just to keep my seed supply up a bit so I can work on different strains in the future.

But that's my plan and I'll have some pics up as soon as I get around to doing it. I'm stoned right now, and I don't really feel like movin much....

Stay tuned and thanks in advance for everyone that rides along and any advice given.

* Note *
When I transplant my babies outdoors I'll start a new thread in the outdoor section for those that want to follow along.

Til then smoke a :joint: and chillax!


Well-Known Member
LOOKING SICK BRO!! dude im pretty amped to see what you gonna do this time round, new knowledge and exsperience! its gonna be an awesome ride :clap:


Well-Known Member

Ok, so I went and checked on the ladies yesterday and they were lookin a bit weak. Low and behold the bottoms of the cups were FULL of roots and the light was gettin to them so I had to transplant them.
I think I caught them in time, only one of my El Ninos looks like it wont pull thru, but then again- it may cuz it's perked back up a bit today so we'll see...
Now, I know I shouldn't have more than one plant per pot, but that's all the pots I had at the time so it'll have to work for now... Also, after I transplanted them I watered them with a dose of Molasses to help ease them comfortably into their new pots...
After the season finally changes- which shouldn't be too much longer, I will be puttin all the outdoor plants ( In the coffee cans) outdoors and then I'll be transplanting my White Widows and Black Dominas in their own pots to finish out their grow cycles...
That's the plan, and it's nice out today so I may take a walk today to find a new plot for my babies...

Here are some new pics of them freshly transplanted... The one pic is of some Habanero Peppers I had planted as well, damn those are some hot ass peppers- gotta love 'em!

Anyways- on to the pics....
Pic 1: Armageddon
Pic 2: El Nino
Pic 3: Lightning
Pic 4: Millennium
Pic 5: Nevilles Haze
Pic 6: Mint Chocolate Clone
Pic 7: White Widow and Black Domina
Pic 8: Aireal Shot
Pic 9: Habanero Peppers



Well-Known Member
looking good man im def jumpin on to follow along im excited to see so many different kinds going at once and see how they vary in there grows


Well-Known Member
looking good man im def jumpin on to follow along im excited to see so many different kinds going at once and see how they vary in there grows

Yea no doubt! Welcome aboard!
All the strains I have now are supposed to be heavy yeilders outdoors, hell, they are supposed to be heavy indoors too!
I'll put up an outdoor grow journal after I get them outside.... We'll both see maybe I'll have a new favorite out of them all...
I plan on cloning from all of the females so I don't have to worry about seeds anymore....
Fingers crossed everything works out well!


Well-Known Member
They looking amazing dude! in a week or 2 they'll hav all gotten outta the sprout fase and be alot fatter bt it all begins here! hope it all goes well and your sick plants pull thru dude, oh and the MC clone looks fucking awesome! its a good thing u kept that strain alive, it sounds like one hella smoke


Well-Known Member
They looking amazing dude! in a week or 2 they'll hav all gotten outta the sprout fase and be alot fatter bt it all begins here! hope it all goes well and your sick plants pull thru dude, oh and the MC clone looks fucking awesome! its a good thing u kept that strain alive, it sounds like one hella smoke

Hell yea dude! And MC kept the mint thru the cure! Beautiful and sweet! I'm def glad I took a clone!
Everything else is on the up and up


Well-Known Member
Most awesome my friend, looking forward to your next update, when do u rate u gonna flower and put some of your ladies outside?


Well-Known Member
Most awesome my friend, looking forward to your next update, when do u rate u gonna flower and put some of your ladies outside?
Well, the plan is to sex them and then put the ladies outside. Probably some time next month- End of March Beginning of April...
That way they will have decent growth on them and I'll be able to get them back on veg after sexin them before they go outside....
That's the plan...


Well-Known Member
ok, cool man. sounds like a good plan! and u gonna keep ur Black D's and White widows inside for flowering rite? are u gonna do some cloning this timre round and maybe a little strain crossing too?


Well-Known Member
ok, cool man. sounds like a good plan! and u gonna keep ur Black D's and White widows inside for flowering rite? are u gonna do some cloning this time round and maybe a little strain crossing too?

Yup Yup- the WWF and Black D's are stayin inside-everything else is goin OUTDOORS!!! I'm hyped dude- I can already picture the massive ass plants I'll have come the end of the season!
I am def going to be cloning them! I plan to take at least 2 clones from each strain provided I get a female from each strain... Seeds are too damn expensive!
And I haven't quite decided if I am gunna cross any of them- tho the Armageddon/Millennium cross is soundin better and better everytime i think about it!
But I got plenty of time to figure all that out... so we'll both see when I finally decide.

Oh the crippled El Nino that I didn't think would pull thru has in fact done just that! New growth and all!


Well-Known Member
good to hear the El nino made it man, thats some good growing. Clones is definitly the way to go, i wanna do it too as soon as i get a space set up for it, maybe do it hydro style, in the long run its way cheaper than seeds dude i agree and if u got some bomb ass strains to start with then u pretty sorted for ages


Well-Known Member
good to hear the El nino made it man, thats some good growing. Clones is definitely the way to go, i wanna do it too as soon as i get a space set up for it, maybe do it hydro style, in the long run its way cheaper than seeds dude i agree and if u got some bomb ass strains to start with then u pretty sorted for ages
Damn straight! And that Mint is BOMB! As long as I can keep her alive- I'll use her for my mother plant and some future breeding projects I have in mind...

I'm like you tho, I need the space for it...Last time I just stuck my clone in a humidity dome and stuck it in my snake cage until I had room in the closet for them... worked for that one, but if I take clones from all my females then I'm def gunna need more room!
So much to decide and do- at least I got the time to do so- which is a big plus! Better than doing everything last minute and runnin the risk of seriously messin up!
Fixin to update here in one minute bro-they are doin good!


Well-Known Member

Just some pictures of the ladies and how they are doin...

My dying El Nino has pulled thru and is gaining new growth- :bigjoint:

Other than that nothin new or spectacular...

Here are the pics:

Pic 2: EL NINO




Well-Known Member
your plants are looking awesome bro! the MC clones looking pretty big now and those El Ninos look much better compared to their undergrowth, and about the clone thing, yeah space is the bitch, i got the space needed to make a mother room, veg room and a clone room but its allota lights needed to do that so im kitting one out at a time, will definitly sart with the clone room next tho cuz my white widow has many candidates