second go around

I'm a week into germinating 4 seed of Joey Weed's Cinderella 99. This is my second go about germinating. This first time were bunk seeds that a friend gave me about 5 out of 25 germinated and got 2 nice females from them that are blooming right now.

All four C99 seeds popped right up within a few day of soaking. Three have rooted through the 1 inch rockwool cubes already (7 days). They are about 4-5 inches tall already, but have only the original baby leaves. They look weird. In fact they are starting to fall over. Is this normal? All four are doing this. I'll add pictures after I remember how to upload them from a phone. I'm fearful that I've done something wrong, but I have no idea what. They were soaked for 24 hours and then plopped into 1 inch cubes. They were feed with distilled water until recently when the roots started poking through the cubes. Is this normal? Did I mess something up? I'm planning on putting them in 2" X 4" cubes in a day or two.

Comments appreciated.