*Second* Grow Journal - Tangerine Dream (fem) AK47 (Fem) and Critical+ (Fem)


New Member
much luck with the flowering of the AK,and much luck for the rest of the plants,not that ull need it :-) but luck can never hurt haha.cant wait to see the AK bud up nice and big!
Thanks man I need every bit of luck I can get.. I am always @*&!@ up these things but thats how we get better knowing what works and what doesn't. I am an expert on what doesn't. LOL. Peace.

Nice I was just thinking about the blueberry. they dropped the price almost $20:clap:
Yes I read so many good things about it and it looks so yummy so I had to try a slice. ;)


Active Member
AK47 is very underrated IMHO. Powerful smoke bro.
Mine about doubled in height- I'm at 33 days in flower now.


New Member
Update 03.14.11

Critical+ is growing so good, few leaves have a couple blemishes but 95% the plant is just gorgeous. About 30 days into flowering.

Here are the pics (800ppm and 5.8ph) 12/12

Side shot of Critical+

Bud Shot :

Side shot number 2 :

Ak47 coming along nicely (already showing hairs just week into flower)

My PineApple Express (5 days in veg):

Headband at 5 days veg:

Flower room has just my AK47 and Critical in there for now so let em grow!!


Well-Known Member
the pinapple and headband look to be twins, ancious to see how they work out.
the critical looks so good, i like the structure and overall health of the plant. nice nugs forming too. ive been following and think i may try a run of critical soon.
the ak47 is def on my to do list.
looking great r1tony!!


New Member
Yea the pineapple and the Headband been running neck and neck on growing even though the Pineapple started few days later. We will see how they take off.. probably couple three more weeks in veg before they go into flower... usually on 5th or 6th node.


New Member
** Update 03.21.11 **

Critical is coming right along.. just a freaking easy wonderful plant this one. I know I keep saying this but this one is the best plant I have had since germination period hopefully I can carry it till harvest this way.

Dialed the nutes down a tad were in mid 800s and keep creeping up. I assume the plant is taking more water then nutes so I am over feeding. I dropped em to 700 for time being and monitor. PH is at 5.8. 12/12 schedule.

Pics :

Nice Critical Bud Shot:

Another close up bud:

Plant overall:

Here is the AK-47 no flowers but I expect them soon!!

The OG Headband is becoming the beast in vegative :

The Pineapple has slowed down after keeping up with the OG for a week or so still growing big and looking lush.

Nutes are at 250ish for vegative and Ph is 5.8 at 18/6.


New Member
** UPDATE 03.29 **

Critical+ is just looking ever so yummy. Buds are getting bigger and fatter more rapidly now. I think I got about 20-25 days left then yum time.

Here are the pics. 800ish PPM and PH at 5.8 as always with AquaShield and Silicia Blast.

Side Shot :

Gonna be a nice fat cola of about 6.. LOL:

Another looking good:

one more for good measure:

AK-47 is coming nicely.. but looks pale to the beautiful C+. I hope it turns out nicely as well.

Buds coming on the AK:

Both the Pineapple Express:

and the HeadBand are now in flower as well:

Alright then.. first time in a while I have had my veg stinky free. Going to do some work and maybe build a complete new one. I will document that as well here since it will be slow but steady now in flower.


New Member
** Update 03.21.11 **

Critical is coming right along.. just a freaking easy wonderful plant this one. I know I keep saying this but this one is the best plant I have had since germination period hopefully I can carry it till harvest this way.

Dialed the nutes down a tad were in mid 800s and keep creeping up. I assume the plant is taking more water then nutes so I am over feeding. I dropped em to 700 for time being and monitor. PH is at 5.8. 12/12 schedule.

Pics :

Nice Critical Bud Shot:

Another close up bud:

Plant overall:

Here is the AK-47 no flowers but I expect them soon!!

The OG Headband is becoming the beast in vegative :

The Pineapple has slowed down after keeping up with the OG for a week or so still growing big and looking lush.

Nutes are at 250ish for vegative and Ph is 5.8 at 18/6.
Damn bro!! Looking very nice! Hopefully that ak comes through soon :)

but what watt light did you use for veg? Looks like they fucking wanted more!


New Member
Update 04.04.11

The Critical+ is doing excellent. They are getting flushed all tonight and changing reservoir out tomorrow morning. It looks like the C+ has about 10 days left, that would put it in flower about 58 days. Right on what they say flower time is.. they been packing on the weight nicely past week. PPM is at 900 and PH always 5.7-5.8 seems like when I started using Silica Blast and Aquashield the PH drops daily and I have to add PH up. Before I started adding these it stayed pretty constant.

AK is coming along nice.. looks a bit sickly compared to C+ but growth is good so I am not going to sweat it.

AK buds are coming.. pewpew..

Both the Pineapple and the Headband are doing nicely in flower but nothing yet on buds so I didn't snap pics this week will do next update.

but what watt light did you use for veg? Looks like they fucking wanted more!

I use CFLs in veg.. 2 - 6500K 26 watters and 2 - 2700k 23watters.


New Member
daymm.. snipped a quick bud off critical yesterday did a quick dry and vaped some this morning .. well if it is any indicatrion that I think it fukin rocks now I am gonna be blown away.. shit is fire.. at the momentg.. well not fire vaporre