second grow plan advices pls !!!


Active Member
hello there i want to star my second grow and i want to know if its ok what soil and fert ii use .
soil from biobizz all mix and fert also from biobizz biogrow bioblom alg a mic biomax bioheaven . can i use this soil for veg stage ? or a need a light mix ? and for this soil when do i need to add some fert
i'm gonna drop the seeds in the doil tomorow purple haze og kush white widow
mh and hps 250 w


Well-Known Member
but i need to know if its ok to use the all mix for the small plants
Try to stick to the KISS rule, Keep it Simple.

I am not sure of those soils or nutrients myself. But generally, the soil will have a few weeks worth of nutrients in it already so you will only need to water. I do a 30 day veg and usually I only use veg nutrients on the last week of veg. Once I switch to 12/12 I use clear water the first time, second watering I feed with flowering nutrients and start my flower feeding schedule from there.