Seed germination suggestions


Wondering if anyone might have some ideas in ways that might help a seed to germinate..
We have some hybrid seeds ChurchXDurban Poison that are less than a year old. dried to about 30% humidity then stored in little plastic baggies placed in pill bottle then the Fridge.. They seem to be very difficult to germinate now. Seeds are mature sink in warm water have been scarified but do not want to germinate .. Any ideas???



Well-Known Member
Just put them in dirt about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch down and moisten it. If they're still alive they will germinate. Or you could use the paper towel method everyone swears by but Im not a fan of that. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Rapid rooters, darkness, spray with water do not soak (too much water is not good)! 100% success rate for me.

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Im a fan of the paper towel method, ive popped 50+ seeds and never had one not germinate, you can just cheack in on the 2nd or 3rd day see the white root tip coming from the seed and then you know you can plant it. and ive found its quicker using paper towell to pop them then planting them straight into soil IMO


Well-Known Member
How you mean???

Look them up, rapid rooters are compressed tree bark. I don't even use a heating pad and still have perfect success rate. Just make sure they are moist and not soaked. Also, avoid the glass of water method and the paper towel method. And please, please, do not scuff or try and crack the seeds before hand, it is the dumbest damn thing in the world.


I have the best success with putting them in a small glass with distilled water, in a dark closet. Mine almost always germinate that way. I've used the paper towel method, too, but I worry about forgetting to keep it moist.