seed not growing


how long do you usually wait before deciding a seed just wont grow?

i have a seed that sat in water for 24 hours and sank, i planted it in soil keeping it moist. and shes just not taking.


Well-Known Member
depends on the strain. I know when I was germinating I had some bag seed that took like 9 days to crack.. I had wrote them off as a lost cause, but they did eventually get there. I also have cali orange that cracked within a few hours (4ish, as I decided to add a few seeds to the paper towel so went back in), and NL's that took 48 hours... just for the seed to crack. I wouldn't start worrying yet.


Well-Known Member
it could take a few days for it to break soil. i soak in water, then paper towel them till i get tails. plant tail down in rockwool or peat pellets. i generally see sprouts in 24 hours, sometimes up to 2 days or more.


thanks for the responses, i was just curious because my other seed of the same strain has broke the soil, but this other one hasn't even opened yet. Ill wait a few more days.