Seedbank Companies


Active Member
In to get straight to the point seeing as I got some hash to smoke and beer to
Is the anyone on here that owns a seedbank?
How does one go about started a seed company?
Any infO is appreicated please and thank u


Well-Known Member
one you need seeds, two you need a company, combine the two then wappax! a seed company is born.bongsmilie


bud bootlegger
lol, yah, the above post pretty much tells you how to do basically..

first of all, you'd probably need to contact whichever breeders gear that you'd like to start to carry, and ask about selling their gear at your store..

the thing is that if you're in the us, even the simple possession of cannabis seeds is illegal, so you can pretty much forget about trying to set up a store in the us to sell them, unless of course you lived in a mmj state, and owned like a dispensary or something along those lines.
even doing this would still be against federal laws, and depending on how big you became, you'd more than likely got busted / forced to shut down, if not both..
idk if you know who marc emery was / is, but he had a seedbank based out of canada, and his big motto was overgrow the gvt, and he was very active in the legalization of mj.. he also liked to call himself the prince of cannabis, and had been interviewd by some very big us publications, all of which brought him to the eyes of the us gvt..
when all was said and done, marc is now residing in a us prison for all sorts of charges stemming from his canadian seedbank..


Active Member
Do know who marc is I actully burned one with him and his wife at the 2010 freedom festival
And I'm in canada and a couple seedbanks have actul store around here


bud bootlegger
What u mean contact breeders gear
call, email/ contact what ever breeder that you're interested in and get the lo down on what it takes to be a re-seller of their gear.. i've no clue as to what their requirements would be, hence why i said contact them and see what all they have to say..

also, subcool is a member here, you could always send him a pm and ask him how you'd go about setting up a seedbank.. not sure how much help he'd be, but he's about the only one around here that i know of that may have such info..

or i just remembered, there's a few people on here that started their own seed company.. i'm not sure if they sell other people's gear as well, but it wouldn't hurt to ask them any specific questions that you may have as well...

i'll try and find a link for the people i'm talking about in a few..

and i was just asking about marc as you never know around here.. some people are totally oblivious of the man and his situation, and others, well, not so much, lol...


Well-Known Member
lol racer boy, call yourself the prince of anything illegal and get your ass handed to you point blank.

but ya good info, and i hope marc emery makes it out of prison SOON. just because he's such a pro-pot advocate.


bud bootlegger
lol racer boy, call yourself the prince of anything illegal and get your ass handed to you point blank.

but ya good info, and i hope marc emery makes it out of prison SOON. just because he's such a pro-pot advocate.
lol, yah, i was watching this show the other night called i almost got away with it, and the dude they were chasing called himself the prince of piracy as he was always selling bootleg copies of movies and shit, lol...

i do agree that while no one should ever be in prison for marijuana, not to even mention friggin seeds, but it always seemed to me that marc wasn't going to be intent until he was in jail / prison... always wanted to be the martyr in my opinion


Sector 5 Moderator
Just for the record, I've been asked many times if I'm the Potpimp that has the seed company; I'm not. "Ripz", the asshole that stole my nick, owns that company - if it's still alive, which I doubt since he stole people's fucking money too. Would you send a guy named Ripz your money?


Active Member
Thanks racer boy great info but I wanted info on how to start a seedbank with my own genictics
I already got the breeding part down just wanted to know if seedbank are like any other bizness u just invest and market da fuk out it


Well-Known Member
im sure the seeds are some how patented is that true? one company ones a strain therefore you would get sued in some way for not paying them royalties. it sounds like a crock but these days you never know


Well-Known Member
Just for the record, I've been asked many times if I'm the Potpimp that has the seed company; I'm not. "Ripz", the asshole that stole my nick, owns that company - if it's still alive, which I doubt since he stole people's fucking money too. Would you send a guy named Ripz your money?
roflmao....nice sig


bud bootlegger
i'm sorry prince, you're talking more about becoming a breeder in the lines of say a sannie and not so much opening a bank like say the attitude, i got a lil confused from your wording, my bad...
but saying that, you should talk to dst, as he's the one i was talking about that has recently started a breeding program and selling his own gear i do believe..
here's a link for his profile...