Seedling behaviour


Active Member
Just popped 3 autos 2nd attempt they germinated 48 ish hours ago i planted them in seperate cardboard pots and put them in a dome under a little cfl ystrday today i swapped it to a 24w led bar all 3 seedlings have tipped 1 cotyledon skward and layed the other flat to their stems am i right in assumin the led too much for them?20191111_011950.jpg20191111_011950.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like for 1 day growth they are really tall.

I think quite the opposite happened.
Cfl was so weak they stretched for it and can't support themselves now.

Could move led closer (24w is still pretty small) and try to top up pot with more soil to help support them.

From seed I germ in water. Then to soil/perlite mix under 80w T12 florescent (4' shop light) about 1 inch from the soil/ seedling.

No need for a dome with a seed. That's what the tap root is for :) Just keep your soil barely moist for now.

Get (and keep) your led close. Or better yet use it with the cfl.
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Well-Known Member
If they won't stand up repot them in a solo cup and bury them half way up the stem, it works great. Do you have a light fan blowing their way to help strengthen? Move the light down so they are not trying to stretch so much.


Well-Known Member
Its not like theyv flopped or even look like they might the leaf pointing dwn is as rigid as the 1 pointin up
Ahh couldn't see that.
I'm on some autos now and I had 1 that came out with 1 leaf fused to the stem pointing down.
Had to do surgery and separate them with a razor day 1.
Needless to say she's my problem child and runt out of my 8 @ day 41. Could just be bad genes maybe?


Active Member
Theyve survived so far and all heads are straight now lowerin the light did the trick i thought it was too close oops ! Not to far away! You can see the light on this pic15734968489021216558853.jpg20191111_182746.jpg


Active Member
All 3 still alive but the 1 that was far right last night seemed stunted compared to other 2 i had a look and her stem was like trapped under a claypebble that was stuck in the coir n she was trying to grow between it ive repot her and put a stake in to straiten her up but her 1st true leafs are arcing to make like angel wings or a love heart any tips on what this means?20191112_024815.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like overwatering but could be nute burn, pH stress, or just stress from the clay pebble you mentioned.
You mentioned coco and clay balls, is it a custom blend or a pre-made mix?