Seedling Problems


I can't find these specific problems. This is my first grow and I got the seedlings from my buddy the day before yesterday. Its was bag seed and he just had them growing in his bedroom so this is their first time under 24 hour light. I attached a picture of the 2nd day I had them (I noticed drooping leaves so I gave them some water and moved the cfls about 1-2 inches away). Today, one of the seedlings was almost touching the soil because of a week stem (they all grew 1/2 inch from yesterday though), so I propped the seedling up with the straw. The edges of the razored leaves are browning and the stem of one of the plants is purple.

The plant is set up in a grow box I made. Under 4 27w cfls I believe and the temp is usually around upper 70s, humidity is between 60 and 70 throughout the day.

Did my buddy mess up the seedlings too much to save them? They were never under direct light (which I assume is why the stems are so long) and he watered them every single day.. Theyre probably about a week old and they all measure 4 inches in length.

Any help would be great. I want to save these plants.


These plants look like they have done some serious stretching. This will mainly be due to the lack of light they had previously. When the light is not sufficient enough for the plant, it will stretch up trying to find the light.

The red/purple will be due to over fertilisation, feed with plain water for now (add a root stimulant if you can). Make sure you pH correct your water before you feed.

Looks like they are planted in soil? If so then do not feed every day. Only feed when the pot feels roughly half the weight than it does when fully saturated.

I would move the lights a little higher than 1 to 2 inches away from the plant. CFL's dont give off a lot of heat but do produce some. Make sure the temp from the CFL is not stressing the top of the plant.

kbo ca

Active Member
your light is too far away from them, and you will soon run into problems with them being planted in the same container, separate em soon or it'll be bust! Respect!