seedling questions


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just got a few questions. Here's a pic of my seedling i now has the first 3 little leaves that it has from its seed embrio i am just wondering if i can take it outta the humidity dome and germinating pad and putt it outside under sunlight? you can place it under none intense light until it develops its first true set of leafs right? i have never started from seed before and plan on putting it under a 400 cmh bulb i hear they are the best for spectrum. any input guys would be great thanks a bunch.


The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Just keep spraying it on the windowsil for another 4-5 days it up I guess...a few more days inside after potting up (say...what, a week from now?) then stick it outdoors...


Well-Known Member
Aren't you suppossed to put them under sunlight or closely hung flouro's as soon as they break the surface? i only need them to be under the sun for a week or 2 them i can put them under a mh got to wait 2 weeks till i harvest my crop.


Well-Known Member
You can probably remove the humidity dome, but the plant is in no way ready to transplant. Wait until the root system develops. Give it as much light as you can(in terms of time), but direct sunlight might not be a good idea just yet.