Seedling, stunted growth, red stem and yellow/browinsh leaves


Active Member
Hi guys,

Wondering can you give me a bit of input on this as I have some ideas but nothing that puts my mind fully at ease.
Below is the girl in question (OG Kush) seed popped about 2 weeks ago now, been growing in a small rockwool cube for 7 days under a small fluro light and then transplanted into a larger cube where it stayed until yesterday when I moved it's siblings into my DWC tub with a 120w Led panel

It appeared to have stopped growing about 3/4 days ago and now I'm starting to see a little discoloration in the leaves although they seem to be upright and interested in the light. It got no nutes for the first 10 days and then I gave it some 1/4 strength canna aqua a+b.
I would say perhaps I started feeding too early if it wasn't for the fact it's siblings seem to be loving it and are now growing viciously and show no signs of ill health. The lower plant below is the sick OG in the foreground and it's sister in the background which are the same age



Below is a picture of my setup, I moved the seedlings in 24 hours ago as the roots were starting to show through the 2 inch rockwool cubes.
This is my first DWC/Hydro grow so I'm being a bit more cautious than ever.
I've had three successful grows in soil and in that time fell prey to the usual newbie problems but always overcame them so hopefully I cna bring this girl back to full health.

It may be just a small case of shock as it has been put into a bigger cube and now into hydroton.
Any advice on steps to take would be great,
So far I have ran some fresh water through the rockwool (in case it's the nutes)
I'm watering the pots from the top still and they are not touching the water just yet although I would expect roots to appear from the bigger girls in few days. when I put the rockwool into the net pots there was signs of roots coming through the 2 inch cube so it wasn't the transplant that shocked it but at the same time not nearly as visible as the others


Lastly here is a pic of my previous soil grow, I'm not sure of the strain as I got the seeds from a guy who grows himself,
If there is a name for this strain let me know as it was amazing, (Ed Rosenthal superbud/G13 Haze x NYC Diesel ) I'm trying to root a few clones in the picture above as well

IMG_6301.jpgIMG_6314 - macro.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'd back off on the nutes, my OG kush only got up to 1/4 strengh food @ week 4 from seed,

this was the one i did first >

I'm on my second run with the OG, she's a fussy little eater, and i never made it to full strengh even on first run that yielded 16.5 ounce on no more than half strengh nutes.

each seed is different, you just gotta read the signs :)


Active Member
I'd back off on the nutes, my OG kush only got up to 1/4 strengh food @ week 4 from seed,

this was the one i did first >

I'm on my second run with the OG, she's a fussy little eater, and i never made it to full strengh even on first run that yielded 16.5 ounce on no more than half strength nutes.

each seed is different, you just gotta read the signs :)
Thanks for the insight mate,
Yea maybe it's best to say each is unique and even if some are thriving it is indeed a bit early to feed them up.
I'll take a read of your journal now as this is my first OG grow and would be nice to see what I can expect.

I'll take a pic again tomorrow and see if it's faring for the better or worse, Sometimes it's much easier to tell the difference over 24 hours when you can see a snapshot as now that it's in A&E I have a tendency to check every few hours :-P


Well-Known Member
I would advices to write shorter post I may read it all I need to know was how many ppms of what
your feeding to much of. The little plant like that only need 300 ppms~