Seedling Tips Whitening

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I have some seedlings going right now and I recently put them really close to the light bc someone told me too bc they were getting spindly. Now I am noticing on 2 plants there is some white on the tips of the leaves. Should I kill them now or not is my question. Is this that powdery mildew stuff perhaps? Or could this be just some burning from the lights? One of them almost looks like its scaly and reflecting a little bit.


Active Member
bump bump bump bump bump
A pix might help, if you think it might be burning, put your finger atop the plant and see if you can leave it there for a minute or two without discomfort. if its hot.. then likely its too hot for the plant also.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
It seems like its at the tips of two of them and the part that was white is turning brown and dying all of the other ones are fine and the whiteness didnt spread.