Seedlings and NF Zyme Root & Shoot ??


Active Member
Hey there,

So I got a couple of seedlings down in rockwool at the moment.
I germinated all seeds in a moist paper towel and all of them popped after around 24hrs.

Once they popped I prepared my rockwool, I mixed up a solution of 2L x Rain water to 1ml of NF Zyme Root & Shoot Development.
I drenched all rockwool cubes with this solution.
Once that was done I placed all seeds into the rock wool and lightly misted/sprayed rain water on the tops of the rockwool just to make certain the seeds where wet.
It has been about a week now and all seedlings have jus started there 2nd set of true leaves.
Problem being they all look like they are having some sort of nute burn or something.
I had them about 3inchs under 2 (50w true wattage) CFLs to get them started.
They are growing but I think ive stunted them by giving them the root and shoot. My hydro guy told me to use it soon as they pop etc etc.
But it seems like they are burning from it. What should I do ? Should I flush the rockwool with just plain water?
Or is there a different cause to the problem and not nute burn ?

Nutrifield's NF Zyme Root & Shoot development was the stuff I used, think I should have just stuck with ph'd rain water.

Any help will be much appreciated guys.


New Member
I don't know if you been answered yet but or you giving them full strength it's a good products if used right cut back half or more and are you growing in hydro coco or soil