Seedlings Day 7 - Leaves Curling.. HELP!

Its a soil less mix (85% peat moss + perlite and limestone). it doesn't list nutes on the bag of soil. i have lots of height to work with in my space. its about 2 x 8 x 6 ft high. also just using tap water.

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
Promix shouldnt be to hot for them....theres no nute charge as far I know, are you somewhere where the humidity is really low?
Humidity should by fine but after seeing this this morning i will go out tonight to get a thermometer with humidity, fan, ph test kit... anything else?
lol... damn tap water.. has anyone tried great value walmart water to grow with? it is ozonated and i have some. Thanks for ur posts rob i would be bummed if i loose these.
I don't think I'm over water as I use a squirt bottle for now and my pots have holes and I've never seen water come out the bottom of my pots. i water when the soil is fairly to completely dry. I watered them today so they will be wet.


Well-Known Member
dude if your using promix then you have to feed them, promix has NO nutrient value and they are hungry. I would start with a light dose of veg food and they will be fine. I have started many seedlings in promix and YOU REALLY HAVE TO FEED THEM AT THIS POINT.... O and one more thing your gonna wanna get those into some kind of different container because roots don't like light
Thanks for the tip max. Good to hear from someone using my medium. Others on this forum say not to feed nutes for the first three weeks. I did give them a light MG solution a few days in but stopped after reading that people don't feed for the first three weeks. As for the clear plastic cup, I started a backup seed because I wasn't sure if they were sprouting properly. It is one week behind the rest..

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
you don't feed for the first few weeks because they don't need it , it will cause problems...why not say this in the beginning
I fed a very weak Miracle Grow all purpose with one watering a few days in and they were fine after for several days with just water. They curled over night. Sorry for leaving out important info when you've got the best in mind for my girls. So is max saying to add nuterients to fix the problem and you think they caused it?


All you need is a little Quantum Growth product. (living photosynthic microorganisms) Then you better get a bigger place for them to thrive. There is no fertilizer or npk in the product just live microbes and a little sea kelp. The microbes will convert the nukes you add ten times faster than the plant can, they are feeding the plant 24/7 and the plant doesn,t have to work as hard converting nutrints into plant food(sugar) the microbes are doing it for them. Using them is beneficial to any grow you can bring your budget way down on your nukes. It will be avaible in stores soon, I have been buying on line. It has been used in the vegtable farms and golf courses for a few years. Reducing their fertilzer budgets in hard times. Disease doesn't attack health plants only week and stressed ones. Indoorman avid Quantum growth user.


Well-Known Member
you don't feed for the first few weeks because they don't need it , it will cause problems...why not say this in the beginning

I must respectfully disagree, Would you not feed your new born baby for 3 weeks after it was born??? Promix has no nutrients in it so how is the plant supposed to photosynthesis? You could also feed her a light bloom fert to encourage strong root development..

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
do what you want ,i am just going by what has been tried and the results have never resulted in burnt turned up leaves , not just by me but by countless people before me that i learned from ,respectfully ...robert
What steps would you take to reverse the damage and achieve healthier plants? Should they be placed on a 18/6 light cycle instead of 24/7? Water less? This is my first grow and I would hate to loose progress.