Seedlings drooping/ends curling down

I don't really want to start over without knowing the cause. Problem was there very early on and cause is still a mystery. Thread title may be misleading now since they have passed seedling stage.

Roots look like they are healthy.

Could it be:
- Old/stale nutrient solution? It's a hydro store generic part A/B solution that's worked great before and I have kept stored in cool & dark place. But they are 4 years old (I last used 1.5 years ago, was all ok then).
- Lack of fresh air/CO2 (due to new tent and poor ventilation)

These are about all I can think of since other factors are the same as previous successful runs (about 3 of them, I'm still relatively new at this).
Why are you feeding such small plants such a high EC?
Why are you feeding such small plants such a high EC?
Because they are fine with it in my experience.

Most of the advice on these forums is to be very conservative on nute concentration for the first two weeks. A minority say go high strength (say EC 1.4-1.6) from the get-go. I go with the latter and haven't seen any issues.

That said when they're very small, just starting out and with not much roots does it make much difference? No probably not.