Seedlings!!! Help


Well-Known Member
im growing 2 ,7 day outdoor plants(it gets up to 35 on some hot days) in potting mix and composted mulch, i am only feeding it water at the moment. in the last two days ive noticed that on one of them its going yellowish. i have some THRIVE solouble nutes, what should i do???

on the second one i have also noticed some deformities in the second set of foilage leaves????

i will have some pics up ASAP:leaf:


Active Member
the seeds might not have been stored properly you might be fuct before you even started germinating bro. or the composted mulch is to rich either way it's not good to start off with those problems. try new seeds in a hole new commercial mix if you can. It's not to cold if it's 35 degrees on a really hot day it might be to hot for them in your Australian climate it's the middle of summer there.