Seeds Float.


Active Member
Seeds of the coca plant, used for producing cocaine among other thing, are checked for quality by placing in water. If they float, they're typically bad.

I realize we're talking about different plants, and the seeds of marijuana weigh less, but is this true with marijuana as well?

Personally, I don't pay attention, I just soak in water overnight before going damp paper towel waiting for them to crack to plant. I was just curious.


Active Member
People put pot seeds in water so they can soak up enough water to germinate (more quicky??). Anyways, I know they float at first but once they soak enough water they sink. Hope this helps at all..

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
if mj seeds float they usually have a better chance of germinating...but if they dont float they CAN still work, i think the its just less likely...i got a few that sunk right off the bat to germinate after multiple soakings and in between the sheets...good luck...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I always soak my seeds for 24 hours before putting in the paper towel ... the seeds float and don't sink... they are still floating when I pull em out of the water.

So far I haven't had any that haven't germinated and sprouted.... although I have managed to kill a few after that with rookie mistakes

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
^hey run them on 24-48 hours in the shot glass, they should sink btw...and 24-72 hours with the towels, repeat if neccesary...i had really really old seeds, like 2 years, and i got them to germinate with this took two soakings to get the last ones to sprout!