seeds or balls?


Well-Known Member
Shaped like a football/watermelon or a Hersey kiss? (sorry didn't hit submit.)
Agree with other two. Part of bud formation and they are swollen.
thank you guys! Was panicking and just about to rip it up. It's pinned down and I noticed some bud rot so I cut that bud off and saw those sac things. Are you ment to harvest when caylexes r swollen? It's only getting 3hrs full morning sun, rest of day in shade.


Well-Known Member
does that mean that they are ready? I put some more pictures.
The only way to really tell if they are ready to come down is by checking the trichomes. Buds tend to do most of their swelling in the last couple weeks of flower, cutting down prematurely is a common mistake. However this is simply my two cents on the topic. Based on what I can see in the pictures, I'd personally give it a little more time myself.
The only way to really tell if they are ready to come down is by checking the trichomes. Buds tend to do most of their swelling in the last couple weeks of flower, cutting down prematurely is a common mistake. However this is simply my two cents on the topic. Based on what I can see in the pictures, I'd personally give it a little more time myself.
thanks for ur time. Next year has to go better after reading all riu info.