Seed drying info for amateurs like me.
I had 3 batches of homemade seeds that I test sprouted this week. I stick 6 to 12 in wet jiffy cubes and wait to see who comes up.
By the way, in my experience, rapid rooter cubes do not have a better germination rate than jiffy cubes. I like them a lot, but you can buy a gigantic box of jiffy cubes for next to nothing, and easily keep them around for 15 years before using them (done it).
I have 3 homes at which I can put plants, so in California I can have 18. Any extras that pop up during germination are easy to find homes for here. Just go to the local nursery and find a young person.
One batch I sprouted was from the seeds the fell on the carpet, and became unidentifiable (there's 7 varieties dropped there). Those went into a jar with the lid open, and no other drying agent. Never went in the fridge. I considered them junk seeds, and gave them no special handling.
One batch of purebreds went into a jar with a stack of gel packs, which I changed each day for a week or two. I pampered the hell out of those seeds, but I didn't know any better about gel packs. After I thought they were "dry", they went into the fridge for a few months.
One other purebred batch dried in a jar with the lid off. After a week I added precisely the same weight in gel pack beads, as the seeds weighed, and put it in the fridge. I'd read up on gel packs at that point, and there's warnings out there about over drying.
First batch: 100% germination. Air drying with no other treatment seems to have positive results. And no seed hulls stuck on any sprouts.
Second batch: 50% germination. I think they were over dried by the gel packs. More than half that germinated needed help with the hulls.
Third batch: 80% germination rate for 6 seeds. Seed hulls were on the leaves on some, but easy to pull off.
So be careful about over drying with gel packs. Seems to make them too hard to rehydrate before fungus gets to them. If they do survive, one of the overdried ones took 14 days to sprout! (Average ought to be 3 days for good seeds).
Some other guy in here said, just use dried rice and keep them in the sock drawer in a jar, rather than the fridge. I think he's right.
Funny story: I hadn't planned to germinate the unknown seeds. Was just planning to give them away. But my Chinese Boss' wife is in the country now, and we were curious if she'd give up her Taiwanese prejudice against marijuana. It's a really strong prejudice there. Go to mental hospital, then to jail type of prejudice.
She germinated the unknown seeds, planted them, took pictures, and uploaded them to facebook. Her friends in asia will all be slightly shocked, but she'll get plenty of comments. She's posting updated pictures of what they look like, before she returns to Asia. Her explanation was, the Taiwanese are all farmers.