Seeking advice on a late season garden (Northern CA)


Well-Known Member
Hey! Bonus spider mites from the club! Haha!

Hit them with some insecticidal soap - hopefully caught it early enough to wipe them out.


Well-Known Member
Hey! Bonus spider mites from the club! Haha!

Hit them with some insecticidal soap - hopefully caught it early enough to wipe them out.
Did they charge extra for those? Man I hate it that they gave you sick plants. It just doesn't seem that hard to me to keep your garden clean if you make a living selling cuts. Hope you get everything under control quickly and as easily as possible and maybe they make it right with some replacements. Take some pics of their hitch hikers and ask them if they will make it right, maybe they will be cool.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I’m thinking of doubling that. I’m already at around 24-25. 9 large main girls.
And the sizes go from there lol. I filled my cage completely which is nice and have an extra 3 out side the cage. And I just keep adding from inside. I take 4-8 cuts at one time. Root them in 5 days. Transplant to 1 gals. Veg a week then into the ground.
And I’m keeping on till I’m satisfied.
Keep on keeping on! So jealous of plant counts bigger than five.


Well-Known Member
Hey! Bonus spider mites from the club! Haha!

Hit them with some insecticidal soap - hopefully caught it early enough to wipe them out.
I use 35% isopropyl alcohol with a dash of castile soap (¼-½tsp/gallon) . And add 2tsp of potassium bicarbonate per gallon. The potassium bicarbonate will help prevent fungal infections.


Well-Known Member
I hit them with some Green Cure for the powdery mildew and a 1-2-3 punch of alcohol, insecticidal soap, and organocide (a few days apart). All is well. No more signs of PM or mites, but I’ll follow up with routine spraying for prevention - all organic, of course.

The intensive spraying early on stalled them a bit, but they’re looking good now. Been introducing them to some sunlight out on the porch. They dig it.


Well-Known Member
Moving along! I moved my 3 Venom OG and 3 Purple GAS MAC (what a dumb name…) out to their final 15 gallon homes in the back yard. They won’t be monsters, but I have high hopes. ;)

I pounded some T posts, and I’ll be adding some ropes, guy wires, greenhouse plastic, etc, for a simple makeshift open-ended shelter. Hopefully that will help ward off the morning dew or occasional rain shower later in the season while maintaining plenty of airflow.



Well-Known Member
Big homes I don’t think they’ll fill those out by harvest lol. You prolly coulda got away with 5-10 gal containers. But they’ll be happy for sure!!!!