SEM0R5 Outdoor Grow


Active Member
Hello RUI! I decided to start my very first grow journal!! Just Received my seeds from the tude. This is my Second time growing( my first grow I was 15 and didn't know shit now , I am now 22 and have been doing research for the last 6 months).

5-TGA Subcool Seeds Qush
FREE G13 Labs Auto Blueberry Feminized
FREE G13 Labs OG13 Feminized

They are Germinating in the paper towels now.

I will be using my cooked super soil I made a month ago today.I do plan on LST not sure about topping but we shall see. I also well be growing 2 clones I've had for almost a month( BluedreamXog, SkywalkerOG ).

BluedreamOG 4/24

SkyWalkerOg 5/2


Active Member

BluedreamOG 5/16

LST SkywalkerOG 5/16

I will update this thread a few times a week with pictures and what not. I will update with germ rates in the next few days. Happy growing everyone !!!


Man that looks great, I don't know how picky this forum is but there is a grow journal area. This might be made more for help. Will be watching this one anyway!


Active Member
Qush update: 24hrs after started germenation 3/5 have popped a tap root.

The last 2 Qush almost popped, I think by tonight they well be ready to go.


Active Member
I hope that you took BluDream out of that cup, that was in there waaayy to long....I would have transplanted that a month ago..... My opinion, you do what you want, besides, I'm indoors.....


Active Member
I can tell you an easier way to germinate those seeds too, I never lose any......the paper towel method, I found that I was always going to check on them, don't anymore....Sorry, meaning, I don't use the paper towel method, I use the water cup method....


Active Member
yea, the paper towel method has never let me down. So far 5/5 Germ for the Qush in only 30hrs. Still waiting on the g13-OG13 and Auto BB. If Those don't pop I will germ the G13 SourJack, Auto La Musa.I have placed the Qush seeds in 16oz cups with 3/1 LightWarrior/OceanForest.


Active Member
Yes, I believe there is a better way.... I used the paper towel method, going down to check on the wetness of the towel, if it's too dry, did I screw up?? Forget that crap! What I do now, is the paper cup method, 2 little dixie cups, like in the bathroom..... fill one with a half cup of water, the water that you will use for planting is fine.... put your seeds, (only what you want to plant, in the cup, Put Other Cup On Top Of Seeds To Hold Seeds Under Water!! This is IMPORTANT!! I know people that plant 20 seeds to get 3 plants), if you want 3 plants, do no more than 4 seeds, AGAIN, put seeds in the cup of water, they will float, that's because no water is in the seeds, Then put the other cup on top of the seeds, it will hold them under water ....the next day, check on your seeds, if they aren't floating, they will be on the bottom of the cup , they are ready to plant, you can wait until you see the little tail coming out, I usually do. That means that the seeds have cracked and water is now inside the seed, Oh Joy!! Isn't that what we want?? .....haha ....Bury seeds a 1/4 inch down in some good soil, Tail Down, (nobody told me this)..wait about a week to see your new babies..... I don't LOSE seeds....... Your method(s) might work as well, I'm not saying, (for those who would argue), that my method is the best, I'm saying my method works for me Every Time! and isn't that what we want.....haha....good luck.....


Active Member
Well my Auto BB and OG 13 Popped.100% Germ on all my seeds thanks for the advice but ill be sticking with the handy dandy paper towel.I will be putting the BB in a 1 gallon pot then transplant to a 3 gallon later. OG gets a red Cup with the qush for now. I will get some pictures later of the Skywalker and Bluedream. They are really taking off! I had a N problem from using my city tap water with a high PH (7.5).I fixed the problem by adding a tiny bit of vinegar to the water and everything seems good now. Happy Friday Everyone!


Active Member
So here is the blue dream with its health issues 2 weeks ago.

Same with skywalker

Ever Since I have started using the vinegar to lower the PH they have grown sooooooo much better.Here is a picture from today.
Skywalker Left/Bluedream Right


Active Member
sweet, ive been lookin into smart pots but i need to save some cash to buy a nice amount.. what size u lookin at? obv bigger the better but theres a great range to choose from.. :)


Well-Known Member
looking good......but mines are bigger than yours. LoL jk....stick them butches in the ground and they will get you over a lb per plant. Mine were that size last year when i planted them early june and i got over a lb per plant.

Right now my plants are about 3-4ft tall....hoping for 3+ lbs per plant...