Semillas in my sinsemilla?


Active Member

I was filling a bowl last night and, in the process of tearing some bud up, found a seed inside of it. Some further tearing revealed another one, for a total of 2 seeds in a couple of grams. I've smoked a lot of this before and have never seen any other seeds.

The thing is, I grew this, killed the males early and didn't see any evidence of hermies.

My question is: could these seeds be viable? And how is it possible for so few to be produced? I thought it'd be seedy or not, so two is strange.



Active Member
sometimes people only pollinate certain parts of their plants... sometimes a plant wont go entirely hermie and will just sprout a banana a mak a few seeds here and there... grow em, keep em. might give you some dank shit

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
If you grew it and didn't pollinate, then it hermie'd (however little) and those seeds could very well produce more hermies.

I'd chuck em and start fresh, or give em to a friend to grow out if they want em.