Sen. Joe Heck, R-Las Vegas is an idiot....


Well-Known Member
This guy is seriously stupid, and a great example of how ignorance is spread via politicians....

quote from-

Children who are in the same home where marijuana is grown are in danger, Heck said.

"The very behavior of small children puts them at risk around these materials, including marijuana," Heck said. "As any parent knows, the first place a toddler places anything they find is in their mouth. What if this object is a marijuana plant?"

Sen. Heck thinks a toddler putting a marijuana leaf in its mouth is more relevant of a threat than a toddler putting alcohol, pills, common household goods and so on it its mouth. THC is fat soluble and even if the toddler ate a piece of the bud, it wouldnt do shit! It has to be eaten with a substance containing fat like brownies!!


New Member
That's some scary ass shit. 15 years would basically be a life sentence to me. I guess a person might as well bail out before going to court and go look up Joe Heck, then do the right thing. After all, he'd be responsible for my life sentence, might as well make it a true daily double. If these local yocals were held responsible for their actions, I doubt there would be so many heinous laws legislated. I mean that's like job security to them, passing new laws. I also have a couple of other prime candidates for the daily double, might as well take them also. At 68, 15 years=life without parole, samo-samo.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Gee, if you teach them not to put things in their mouth, then they don't.I never had a problem with my kids doing that.I also keep the adult fun time toys out of their reach.


New Member
Children who are taught to walk are in danger, they could easily fall and injure themselves.

Children who are allowed to ride in cars are in danger, there could easily an accident.

Children who are allowed to go to school are in danger, there could be a fire, tornado, earthquake, flood, plague of locusts............

I guess pretty much any scenerio puts children in danger..........