Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER


Well-Known Member
^^^is that it in the pic above, just abt c it i think.^^^
very impressed with ur JH. really wanna get my hands on some, lol.
Will be watching this right thru till harvest.


Well-Known Member
^^^is that it in the pic above, just abt c it i think.^^^
very impressed with ur JH. really wanna get my hands on some, lol.
Will be watching this right thru till harvest.
Yep, that's her. Hiding behind the foilage of my JH mothers.
Cheers man. Not much longer to watch now. Just been down to do my morning checks on my girls and they're swelling more every day now :)

first time i smoked jack herrer it blew my mind.

is jock horror the same thing?
No, Jock Horror is Nirvana's cheap copy of the orginal from Sensi seeds. Jack Flash is the next closest thing to Jack Herer that I am aware of, but this is also by Sensi.


Well-Known Member
Looking good SW. I've freezed dry bud, never moist. Mainly because The water content, I hear, can damage the integrity of the buds when thawing out. I've smoke 6 & 9 mth old bud out the freezer and it smoked like the day I finished curing it.

I've killed 15 cheese clones in the past 4 days! I think I'm possessed with a spirit that doesn't want me to see-more-buds. If that's the case then I'm out of this hobby. I potted those 6 out of 9 from the ten that one was taken out of and they shrivelled up in 2 hours. I borrowed 9 from 12 and potted them up and half are showing shrivelled up signs. Dunno what the hell I'm doing... might throw in the towel.

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Thank HG. Yeah, not going to bother with the freezing, just let them dry for longer while I'm away.

wtf you do to your clones man? You been smoking too much of that cheese? ;)

Don't throw in the towel man. That's just silly talk. My cut is doing fine at the moment. Although I have burnt it a bit, as well as that initial soil burn, I should of just watered it in with totally plain water, instead of trying to give it a little bosst, it just didn't need it at all, my soil would of fed it fine. She's nearly dry again so I'm going to give her a good flush with just clean water later today. But she's growing and doing fine despite the slight burn. Did you feed them too heavy or something? Or perhaps too much light? Whatever you do, don't give up though man.


Well-Known Member
Never feed clones for the first few weeks as it inhibits root development.
I always bottom water mine by filling a dish with water and just putting a plastic bag over the top of them so as not to wash the cloning gel off the stem and i then have no need to spray them.
This eliminates the likelihood of rot and makes the clone search for nutes and keeps the leaves moist without spraying.

Your plants are looking fit snowwhite.
I have almost run out of smoke myself now so i am looking at your pot with a beady eye hehehe lol:mrgreen::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
hahaha, LOL....not as beady as my eyes mate. I take lots of pics and sit here drooling over them while smoking some shitty hash. The buds I cut off yesterday will be nice and dry by Friday and I go away tomorrow till the end of the week, so they'll be a nice smoke when I get back Friday :mrgreen:

I've never fed my clones anything before, except by light foilar spray, not unitl they're well rooted and are really growing. But for some reason I thought I'd give this one a little boost. I won't be doing that again! It's gonna be ok though.


New Member
I have to say that you are very particular with your strains and I have only recently been introduced to this one.
I've read that it is great for fibromyalgia and ptsd; two things I deal with so i think this will be a good personal one for me.
And now I know where to get the seeds.
Thanks a lot for your journal. Very interesting.

hahaha, LOL....not as beady as my eyes mate. I take lots of pics and sit here drooling over them while smoking some shitty hash. The buds I cut off yesterday will be nice and dry by Friday and I go away tomorrow till the end of the week, so they'll be a nice smoke when I get back Friday :mrgreen:

I've never fed my clones anything before, except by light foilar spray, not unitl they're well rooted and are really growing. But for some reason I thought I'd give this one a little boost. I won't be doing that again! It's gonna be ok though.


Well-Known Member
I have to say that you are very particular with your strains and I have only recently been introduced to this one.
I've read that it is great for fibromyalgia and ptsd; two things I deal with so i think this will be a good personal one for me.
And now I know where to get the seeds.
Thanks a lot for your journal. Very interesting.

Hey Lacy, thanks for the comments, much appreciated. I am very glad it has been interesting for you. Fortunately, I have no reason to use cannabis for medical purposes, I just like to get high! :mrgreen: But I have heard that Jack Herer is supposed to be good for medicinal uses. White Rhino from greehouse seeds is supposed to be another good medicine and it is prescribed in dutch pharmacies I believe.

I find the Jack Herer very interesting to grow. Although it's a stable strain, there is a lot of genetic variation in the various phenotypes. My only complaint is it's a bit slow to flower. At least mine are, but that could be solved if you get the heavy indica pheno, which is only one out of the four main JH phenotypes, the other 3 main phenos are more sativa. So in a pack of 10 JH seeds, there is really something for everyone. You just need to find your preference then clone, clone, clone....that's my plan anyway.

I've been following your journal too Lacy....your plants look so healthy. Great job! :joint:

i found a seedbank with jack herer going for 80 bucks. thas cheap for jack
Well it may be called Jack Herer, but I'm sure it won't be the Jack Herer from Sensi seeds. Not for 80 bucks. Jack Flash and Mother's Finest are the closest relatives to Jack Herer, but these are also from Sensi seeds and they are more than $80.


New Member
Great info Snow white. This is definitely a strain I WANT.To smoke great weed that has a dual purpose....i can't ask for any better.

Thanks for the tip about the white Rhino. I think from now on I am going for some of the rarer strains and YOU are certainly one to watch out for.

Very interesting about the pheno types.

Thanks again

Hey Lacy, thanks for the comments, much appreciated. I am very glad it has been interesting for you. Fortunately, I have no reason to use cannabis for medical purposes, I just like to get high! :mrgreen: But I have heard that Jack Herer is supposed to be good for medicinal uses. White Rhino from greehouse seeds is supposed to be another good medicine and it is prescribed in dutch pharmacies I believe.

I find the Jack Herer very interesting to grow. Although it's a stable strain, there is a lot of genetic variation in the various phenotypes. My only complaint is it's a bit slow to flower. At least mine are, but that could be solved if you get the heavy indica pheno, which is only one out of the four main JH phenotypes, the other 3 main phenos are more sativa. So in a pack of 10 JH seeds, there is really something for everyone. You just need to find your preference then clone, clone, clone....that's my plan anyway.

I've been following your journal too Lacy....your plants look so healthy. Great job! :joint:

Well it may be called Jack Herer, but I'm sure it won't be the Jack Herer from Sensi seeds. Not for 80 bucks. Jack Flash and Mother's Finest are the closest relatives to Jack Herer, but these are also from Sensi seeds and they are more than $80.


Well-Known Member
Just a few pics from my's getting pretty crowded in there now!

I think I will take new clones and flower these bitches once I harvest my current lot. I do love the little cannopy I have created in my cupboard though. Makes me want to bang a screen above them and just flower them now. I might actually scrog them when I do put them into flower though. It would be a good way to control my real stretchy sativa one.

and here's my little baby cheese cut.....

whom I have great plans for, but she's just gonna be chillin in the cupboard for a while yet :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Looking good snowy lol:mrgreen:
I have to make my clone mothers a cupboard to but im just gonna use wood.
Cameras just broken so i don't know if i am going to get a new one immediately or if i have to wait for repairs and shit so i might be back to taking crappy pics again from now on:cry:
Anyway looking good dude,loads of clones:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, thanks for stopping by.

Yeah cdrom, gonna flower my mothers when I have flowering space, just because they are going to get too big for my cupboard. So I will take new cuts off them all for new clone/mother stock and then flower them.


Well-Known Member
wow a cheese cutting snow white, looking goof too, whered u get it from? im sure i rememver u talking bout a guy u knew who u thought had cheese in another thread.
Jolly :D