Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER


Well-Known Member
sorry man...didn't mean to add to the fuel....I really hope the pistachos are/were good.....hahahahahahaha
no worries man....a bit of extra vigilance on my part will do no harm as far as I'm concerned. Got to keep a real close eye out for these things, I totally missed it with my Satori's untill it was waaaayyyy to late.


Well-Known Member
what are you saying that last plant is a herm, no joke look at the pic the flower is right their a male flower looking right at ya


Well-Known Member
what are you saying that last plant is a herm, no joke look at the pic the flower is right their a male flower looking right at ya
shit...right, ok, thanks Kaya. I need to get this sorted, cos I'm certainly no expert at this. NGT was just fucking with me, or is he still? Dude?? but Tahoe spotted something and you also say you see balls too, so I must be missing something here.

I've had a closer look at the pic again and have posted it below highlighting the area I suspect you are talking about??? Can you clarify for me please, just so I know what I'm looking for? Tahoe this what you mean??

I can't go check the plants again now as it's dark, and whilst my grow space is totally light proof, the shed it is in is not, so I can only go in there during day light hours. I'll have to wait till tomorrow to go check the plant/s again.

Thanks for the help guys....


Well-Known Member
yea thats what I hada been refering to...seemed more like balls than calyx....
cheers man....well spotted...I'll check her/him out tomorrow up close. I can loose one plant, that's cool. That will still leave me with 2 flowering and 8 clones. No more though please....I must of had my run of bad luck with dreaded hermies now. It can't be environmental this time, if it was the last time (i dunno), my conditions are near text book perfect now though. Fuck it....I'm annoyed! I hate killing plants. :evil:


Well-Known Member
I hear ya man......I have been very fortunate....3/4 fems....good luck...and walk on....walk tall!


Well-Known Member
I hear ya man......I have been very fortunate....3/4 fems....good luck...and walk on....walk tall!
Thanks man...looks like I need all the luck I can get. My first grow was very blessed too. 6 fem seeds, all 6 very healthy females. And I had some HOT temps going on early summer. They were beautiful plants man, but they set me a very high target for future grows. I still strive to match and improve on that grow. I've only been coming up under par so far. But I will keep trying and get there again one day.


Well-Known Member
HAPPY NEW YEAR! :joint: :peace:

Quick update on the possible hermie....I've just spent the last 30 mins in my grow room looking for any sign of balls on my plants....I just can't find any. I even printed my phtoto out and took it down there with me and I'm buggered if I can find what looks like balls on the pic, on the plant. hmmmm!!!

I'm very concerned about this one now. I can't kill a plant that I don't see balls on. But maybe I'm just looking like a bloke and just can't see them with my bloke eyes. Fuck knows ! Tahoe, come on over and take a look please?? ;).....I'm just gonna let them be for now and keep a v close eye on them. The balls on my males were so obvious and they would be MASSIVE by now too if I'd left them. So I can't believe it should be this difficult to spot some balls, even on a mostly female plant. I'll keep on checking though....

On another note....I managed to find my own balls today and got up the courage to Super Crop my 2 larger ladies. I have watched some vids on SuperCropping on YouTube and just copied them. I pinched and bent over the main cola and a couple of branches on my biggest girl. The next biggest girl, I just did a bend on the top main cola. I damaged the stem enough to break some fibres and split ever so slightly, but it is no where near to coming off...I hope! But seriously, I think you would have to be pretty heavy handed to totally snap the stem using this technique. Marijuana has such strong fibres in the stems.

After super cropping, I now have an even canopy height withouth having to raise my pots at all! :) I'll post some pics later to show you how I bent them. My battery on my camera is dead at the mo!



Well-Known Member
how cool is that! "unitended" supercropping is walking on fantastically! I can see this being a relatively simple (*when careful) way to individually manage canopy height! excellent.....cheers man!


Well-Known Member
So just a quick update to show the pics of my girls and how they are looking after Super Cropping yesterday....

They have all now been fed as normal with Grow, Bloom and TopMax, but I also added a little Superthirve to help with the stress from the super cropping. But they don't look stressed to me...even after nearly breaking the stem. Such an increbile plant!

Anyway, here is the first one....she is my tallest and most stretchy. I have HIGH hopes for this one as long as I keep her healthy. She's gonna have some lovely colas in a few weeks time......

This is a long shot of how she looks now....

and here is where I bent her! see the tear in the stem. This has caused no problem. The branch above the break is already turning back up to the light. Amazing!!

This is the 2nd one I bent over....she's a bit more bushy and tighter overall.

and finally....this one has not been touched...

I have always liked Skunkushy's method of tieing up the branches, so I will probably do this next week once they have got over the stretch. I think I am going to put a 60cm stick in each pots and tie off on this. I might tie off to the walls, but I like to be able to move my pots about easily, for watering and checking etc, and this would prevent me from doing that. So I'll give it a bit more thought.

HAPPY GROWING! :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
and also a quick clone update....12 out of 12 doing fine. Some look a little better than others, but all are ok and really starting to grow again now.

It's 19 days since they were cut and about a week since I potted them up from the starter tray.



Well-Known Member
things are lookin good!! not sure about the hermie dude, and sorry it took so long to get back to you but i been sick as shit!!! Just be very carful cause one of my plants was hiding balls up in the growth for a while obviously cause i now have seeds in that plant and a few in my other plants. I will try to post some pics once i feel a bit better and get some house work done.

your clones look great too keep up the good work:)


Well-Known Member
Hey Kaya...sorry to hear you've been feeling shit. Hope you're much better soon! :joint: Thanks for stopping back by my journal anyway. Much appreciated.

I'm not sure about the hermie either, cos I see what u see in the pic, but I just can't find it on the plant. I'm keeping a v close eye on all of them though. I missed a hermie in one of my last crops and my plants seeded quite a bit in places. So I have experience of the effect of hermies, just not at spotting them and I really don't want that shit again!

If you get a chance to post some pics of yours then that would be cool....thanks! :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
and back at you...its always a pleasure to see good friends doing well.....I pocketed your invitation......maybe we can do that.......


Well-Known Member
and back at you...its always a pleasure to see good friends doing well.....I pocketed your invitation......maybe we can do that.......
well if you're ever travelling in the UK at all door is always open man. I would just have to sweet talk the Mrs....if you could come as a cat that would really hep! :mrgreen: Cats are always welcome at our house, more so than people usually. LOL

btw.....I've always wanted to go skiing in Canada ;) hahaha :)