Sensi Star/Sweet Tooth/Redwood Kush/Ultimate Indica 1st time grow

Im new to this so all help is hella appreciated!

Heres my setup

3x3x6 Tent (actully smaller but close too it)

2-Sun Blaze 2" t5's
2-LED's (cheap)
Will add more lights as i get money
will buy a 400w hps when flowering

ducting exhaust fan not sure on cfm
1larger oscilating fan
1 small 1 speed fan
small heater with temp selector (only stays on for like 5 sec every 5-10 mins)

Fox Farm Trio
Botanicare sweet grape mineral supplement
i will put a couple co2 things that i made out of bottles in tonight

Heres the Sensi Star
Sweet Tooth
Redwood Kush
Ultimate Indica



Well-Known Member
i have a sweet tooth about 7 weeks in flower and it is a beast mine got almost three times stretch in flower ggod luck
nice i hope i can contain her in my

but just realized that my clones were cliped from a flowering plant. i heard that its good and bad from different people...maybe i need a third opinion? should i toss them and get new clones or grow them. and i topped them before i realized it.


Active Member
nice i hope i can contain her in my

but just realized that my clones were cliped from a flowering plant. i heard that its good and bad from different people...maybe i need a third opinion? should i toss them and get new clones or grow them. and i topped them before i realized it.

they don't look like they are too far gone into the flowering phase. i would keep those
Looks good man. Sensi Star is some good smoke. Cuttings root pretty quick as well.
i pulled the sensi star about a month ago it wasnt doin good and didnt have room.

i also have a barneys farm vanilla kush thats not doin too well...and im having problems cause my plants will droop toward the end of there light period and they will be fine when the lights are back on after they sleep

heres some pics

vanilla kush

some sour diesil/hash bomb grown from seed a couple get a little droopy)

sweet tooth

Redwood kush before being tied down (the clone that was cut from a flowering plant)

Right After i tied the branches down ( i will post a pic of it how it is now and post it tommorow)


Ultimate Indica i tied this one down when it was alot younger

i dont have a ph meter so does anyone think my plants have a ph issue????


Im gonna reply to this 1 your grow looks AMAZING so far ya need to add n to the mix YOUR YELLOWIN OUT I will keep posted KUDOS BRO !!!!
thanks man so do you think i should go full strength on the nutes (heavy feeding) the vk is the only one that looks bad too me but idk shit