Sensi Super Skunk - Harvest/Reveg - PICS

Hello all,

This is the first super skunk i have grown.

She has the nicest, strongest bubblegum smell and i really wanna reveg her,

I have two questions,

Is she gonna fill out much more? Thing is i have no idea how old she is, but she seemed to get here fast! Maybe 6/7 weeks, Trichomes are 50% amber at the mo.

Second, what can i do to reveg, as i have lollipopped the bottom third?

Thank you.




Vegging is about hours of daylight, however if you are budding (and by the looks of it you are, and far-ish along) there really is no return. You can attempt to, as I have had this happen to our-door plants. From the looks of it though you are going to just let her finish.


Well-Known Member
you can harvest the bud and leave some of the leafs on the plant,even some of the bud,then put the plant back in your veg room.
some ppl even take clones from a flowered plant and reveg them.
theres plenty of "how to reveg cannabis plant"videos on youtube.ive never done it myself.


Well-Known Member
i just revegged a blueberr gum plant its pretty easy.

first, let the plant finish up and then harvest. take everything just make sure you leave some tiny little buds on the bottom of the plant. then take it out of the pot and cut about 75% of the root mass and soil off, then put it in some new soil. put lights on 18/6 and within about 2 weeks you should see the little buds turning into funny looking curly leaves, after week 4 it should be growing back to normal. re vegging is awesome and you get a great plant. it will be nice and bushy with lots and lots of tops. good luck man