seperate or not to seperate


Well-Known Member
well i guess i need some advice from the pro's, my question is i have 5 different strains of plants, all 5 are in the same hydro unit, 3 of the 5 are doing great with the ph and ppm's that i am set on. the other 2 seem to be a lil burnt. they dont seem to like the same nute schedule as the others. so on that note should i seperate the 2 from the group and set there own feedings and ppm's or should i keep them all together and hope they pick up on the rest of the plants? I keep my ph at a 5.6-6.2 and ppm's are about 600-700 they are almost 2 months into veg from the day they come out of dirt, then they were transplanted into hydro at about 3 weeks old. ppm's started at a low100's then up to now a 600 ish.. most of the girls are a indica dom. was thinking of putting them in there own bubble buckets to seperate the nute schedule.. double 015.jpg all advice is welcome..


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be a jerk but you have not done a good job on those plants, they are tiny for the age. They look like a month old from seed in dirt. In hydro should be 5x that size after 2 months. I assume you hurt the plants and stunted them somehow when making them hydro. I would flower them right now since veg time hasent helped you much yet. Could be the strain blows an not your fault, but basically I would worry less about ppms then the plants themselves. When I ran hydro my plants took 1000 ppm FOR SURE at the point your at if not 1300-1500 an taking 600 ppm within like a month


Well-Known Member
yes no doubt in my mind i hurt them when transplanting. i am going to veg these for another month so i can get some clones off each of them and send these lil ladies outside for the summer to finish outside. was more concerned about the different strains needing different nutes and feeding schedules.. i always end up with a little stuntage due ro transplanting from dirt to hydro.. i use pete pots to start and when there ready the roots end up thru the pots so when i rinse the dirt the pete pots are left... going to start my beans next time straight in hydro. cause a lernt a new way to do it.. the last girls i had finish out the ppm's were 1200-1400 so i have room to grow. i also like to start seeds and clone off them so the mother isint being over cut, i use a clone for a mother..thanks for the input always great help..

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
They don't look bad per say but growingforfun is right about them being really small for a 2 month veg...

This is what my thriving plants look like at 2 full weeks of veg.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have a good plan and accounted for the problems your facing. Only you know the size of plants you want to grow, but bro, why hydro !?!? IMO for a long veg like that an short plants soil is much easier to maintain. Then again I've made the switch to organic since I love the simplicity of just using sugar water an occasionally a random amount of nutes. Organic is so low stress o the grower it's great


Well-Known Member
there is no doubt in my mind that soil is much easier,but it seems like every time i use dirt i always end up with bugs.. not sure if it's in the soil so i started using happy frog and other high end soil it never fails that i get bugs. since going to hydro the only bugs i see an occasional moth getting in during me opening my door. i'm inside and inside a tent. all vents are screened and covered. the size of them have come around with in the last week since the transplant.. i only veg my girls for a week or three, these are being used to get cuttings off of so i need size lol..after i cut clones and they root good i let them veg for 2-3 weeks depending on breed. i just restarted back due to health issue's so these are the breeds i am going to start back with. i have since put the blue dream in her own aireo bucket along with the kush ryder and the cheese candy.. +++rep for any info given