September 4th(ish) growers


Well-Known Member
thxs stonecold,,don't give up on yurs ,,a lil tlc goes a long way,,

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
heres mine an even 14 days after they cracked.
very impressive growth in that bubbler, liking it! :)

Here's mine in my soil at 15 days from seed, 11-12 days out of the slow in comparison, but I'll get the results in the end.



Well-Known Member
th3bigbad, can you name again what day you started germinating cuz you started writing on the 6th with the plants already growing. You musta started a few days earlier then the 4th or?

Snowwhite mine look to be the same as yours, what lights you using again?


Well-Known Member
Snowwhite mine look to be the same as yours, what lights you using again?
Yeah, we're looking pretty similar man, I started bang on the 4th as well......I'm vegging in my cupboard under 2 x 125W envirolites. In 3-4 weeks time, I'll stick them into my flower room under the 400W Grolux lamp.

btw.....th3bigbad's bubbler is why he is so far ahead of us .....don't expect to keep up! ;) Look at his plants go!!


Well-Known Member
well i want to make sure its the bubbles and not a few days head start.
This should be interesting, ive got 250W CFLs as well and will be adding one more 85W warm for flowering. Lets see how our results compare after having the same setup in the beginning. How long do you plan to veg?


Well-Known Member
Once again picture says it all

4 plants all 2-4 days old
So far only been under 2 20wtt cfl's !!! Cant find the right sockets for my other 2 42watt ones :cry:

Picture is labeled with ages ect..

Some nice plants around :) lol this thread is gona be so much fun in around 2 months time lol


Well-Known Member
well i want to make sure its the bubbles and not a few days head start.
This should be interesting, ive got 250W CFLs as well and will be adding one more 85W warm for flowering. Lets see how our results compare after having the same setup in the beginning. How long do you plan to veg?
Cool man, like you say, should be interesting. I will veg for as long as it takes to get some good side shoots for cuttings, so probably around 6 weeks in total. I want to clone a good Hashberry mother out of these 4 babies, same as I'm doing with my Satori's at the moment. That's the plan anyway.


Well-Known Member
u betcha bubblers rock. just wait until i start adding some nutes. all theyve had so far is alil super thrive mixed in their water. ill prolly start adding some good nutes this weekend.
i started to germ on 8/26 but these lil boogers didnt want to pop. it was 9/1 before they were ready to be put into the rockwool. they stayed in a bowl with nothing but about 1/2" of water untill they had a few roots peeking out the bottom of the rockwool on 9/6. and thats when i put them in the bubbler.
i backed out on useing the 1000 watt MH. i dont have enough plants growing to justify the cost of running it. i had it on them about 8 hours before i figured i was just wasting money. so other than that 8 hours the first day in the bubbler they have been under 8x26 watt CFLs.
sorry i was wrong mine were 18 days from having the egg tooth poke out and 13 days from the time i planted them in the bubbler.
and if you'll remember i told you i would do this with yall, but mine wouldnt be very good to compare to. mine will grow faster, bigger, and yield more just from the hydro,, not to mention the 1000watt HPS that they are about to go under.


Well-Known Member
np, its great to have different methods to compare, if it were all the same we would be looking at identical pictures.
But im still a little confused (im slow), did you start germinating them on the 26th? That would mean they are 24 days since you started germinating right? Sorry to bother with the question id just like to be able to compare your grow with mine by the correct day.
And i dont doubt yours will be growing better, just to clear it up :weed:


Well-Known Member
yeah i put mine into a paper towel on the 26, but it to 7 days for them to start to crack open. this strain took the longest of any i have ever grow to crack. other that this time ive never had 1 stay in the paper towel for 3 days. and the time i left them in the towel for 3 days they had tap roots about 1/2" long. these just bearly cracked and had just the very tip of the egg tooth out in 7 days. i just almost gave up on them.


Well-Known Member
i cant believe it, i tried to germinated a new seed 9 days ago (after one day of paper towel i planted it in soil, thought id give that a try since papaer towel hadnt owrked for me before) but after it didnt work i thought what the hell so i dug it up and droped it in a glass of water. Today after 9 days its actually germinating.
I also droped in another seed thats been trying to germinate since the 4th, lets see if it still reacts.



Well-Known Member
i finally figured out what i did wrong, the soil i used was mg with the time released crap, it was used for an outside grow and was in a pot that was rained on all summer, well i think all the nuts got released into the soil and when i used it, my babies got 2 much nutr's when they shouldnt have gotten any at all, today i will be transplanting them and flushing the soil out, a way better organic soil will be used, DOH


Well-Known Member
Flowering Day 1

Its that time already. After 2 weeks of veg they are going into flowering today. They have been tied down and repotted, flowering nutes will be added soon and in a week ill take some clones.
