Serious problem going on need help!


Active Member
Ok guys and gals, My ladies are getting worse. Everything has been PH'd to 6.5 and my run off is 6.2-6.5 so PH looks ok. I flushed them 6 days ago, after 3 days the yellowing continued, gave them a big dose of molasses 1 tblspn of grow big for Nitrates incase there was a definciency. I gave them cal mag, I have no idea what to do, this will be horrible if I lose these plants at this stage, does anyone have any ideas? I'm realy stressing here. The lowryder is still not showing any amber at all at 66 days old and the smaller sprouts that are all yellowing are 39 days. The brown spots weren't there 3 days ago, and last night when I went to feed they were there. Using 3gal smart pots in ffof soil with ff trio nutes cal/mag and molasses These are auto flowering strain



Well-Known Member
Ok guys and gals​
, My ladies are getting worse. Everything has been PH'd to 6.5 and my run off is 6.2-6.5 so PH looks ok. I flushed them 6 days ago, after 3 days the yellowing continued,
gave them a big dose of molasses
tblspn of grow big for Nitrates
incase there was a definciency.
I gave them cal mag
I have no idea what to do
, this will be horrible if I lose these plants at this stage, does anyone have any ideas? I'm realy stressing here. The lowryder is still not showing any amber at all at 66 days old and the smaller sprouts that are all yellowing are 39 days. The brown spots weren't there 3 days ago, and last night when I went to feed they were there. Using 3gal smart pots in ffof soil with ff trio nutes cal/mag and molasses These are auto flowering strain
Stop the additives for a start, they are making it worse,they dont work bro.
66 days(nearly ten weeks,is that flowering?) with large leaves yellowing is common cant do much just make sure the nutes contain N and you water the bag/pot well. If the one in the red cup is yellowing then repot it.


Active Member
Well the seed to harvest time is 60 days, (lowryder#2), she nice and dense and stinkin cloudy trichs but no ambers for like a week now, want like 25% ambers. So what do ya think I should do, just go and flush them now again with just PH'd water?? Just worried that they will then start getting worse from over watering, what do ya think. And thanks for the reply Bro, I appreciate it. The yellowing ones are 39 days old that are yellowing, they shouldnt be doing that yet, now I got brown spots and streaks appearin on the leafs, the bottom leafs are most soft but alot totaly crispy and dead, that may just be from the nutes splashing them, But I dont know, I dont splash nutes up almost 1/2 way up the plant

RED CUPS YOU SEE They are all in red cups tiered into 3 gal smart pots. They seem to get bigger when you tier them. The best thing to do is grow the seed in the red cup, slipped into another red cup, but the one that has the seed and soil in it you cut the bottom out and put it into the second cup, fill the inside cup with soil and seed when it get 3 sets of leafs, dig like a 3 inch hole in the middle of your final home, then you just slide off the outside cup, and put your lady into the 3 inch deep hole and just firm it up around the cup, but not hard firm. You then water the cup only until you see the leafs are as wide as the cup, after that you water the cup and the pot. It makes it so your not sressing the plant of disturbing the root ball at all. Plus the extra depth that the roots go actually makes a noticable difference in size and yield. These things are like 20 inches now, I gotta do somethin here, I can't lose these