Serious question about wiring my HPS to mains


Well-Known Member
In serious need of help!

Im really not happy about leaving my HPS wired without knowing its safe, i dont want to cause a fire etc.

My HPS came without a plug, so i nicked a plug off of another lamp i have which i dont use. Its only a 3amp plug. ( These are UK plugs fyi) Anyway this works the light turns on fine. But im not confident to leave it on with my plants. I'm not even sure if it has a ballast, and to be perfectly honest im not even sure what a ballast is. I'm 22 days into my first grow and everything is going perfect so far, i just want to get this sorted. Heres photos of it:

Oh btw its a 250W Sodium Son lamp.

Thanks in advance for any help i really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Excellent cheers mate, with mine there was only a blue and brown wire, so i plugged them. Obviously this meant there was no earth wire which was another reason why i was so worried. I'll try to get a 13A fused plug as well. How about a ballast is that necessary?

Cheers for taking the time to answer this question so well +rep


Well-Known Member
The ballast is integral in that fixture, so you already have one( that's what's in the end of the case where you wire). Kudos on your caution with electrics BTW!!


Well-Known Member
Jimmyspaz: Ah great i thought it might be but didnt want to take the risk cheers for all the help!

Picasso: Cheers for the link, i feel confident about most things with growing, but if im wrong with most aspects of growing the worst thing that could happen is the plants die, just if i got this wrong, then I could die and i dont fancy that. Cheers everyone for the help and understanding!!


Well-Known Member
Just set this baby up thank to you guys! Only thing is im getting the smell of electrical burning, im guessing this isnt right? Its still working fine, no sign of melting plastic etc...


Well-Known Member
K cheers i'll look into it, the electrical buzzing is normal right? Sorry about this, im still worried when touching the casing incase the wiring isnt perfect. Better safe than sorry!


Well-Known Member
Yeah they always hum while in operation, it's normal. Again I am glad to see that you are being cautious,electics can kill...