Serves them right...


Well-Known Member
i just got pulled over n dearborn 4 weed. hope the same thing happens to the bastards that took mine


Well-Known Member
lol "i think were dying" "i dont know we made brownies and i think were dead and times going by really really really slow" hahaha i see posts about this soo much and i still laugh my ass of every time he did get what he deserved


Well-Known Member
FUKKIN DMBASS COP HAHAHA i bet his wife wast trippen to hahaha i bet she was on the florr drewlin hahah like a fukkin flappin fish ooo shit i love that video


New Member
yeah I thought I was the only one who remembered that.... I actually just posted it up sometime this week.
and they ate a 1/4 ounce.....