Setting the stage for national legalization


Active Member
I don't know if anybody has seen this or not but very interesting Uruguay has become the first nation to legalize the cultivation, sale, and use of cannabis for recreational use. You must be 18 years old and a resident of Uruguay to buy from pharmacies that will be opened by April. Residents will be aloud to grow 6 plants or up to 480 grams a year or form clubs of 15-45 to grow 99 plants a year. You can buy 40 grams per month through the pharmacies totaling again 480 grams a year. I'd like to see how they are going to control someone growing 480 grams a year??


Active Member
why is this posted here?
@NightRiderCO because Colorado is about three weeks away from having legal recreational use and it seemed like an interesting article that Colorado growers could relate to. Not to mention national legalization is important to me and it happened for the first time ever! This will give a sample of what can happen over the next couple years in regards to taking power away from drug traffickers and debunking myths about cannabis use.

@Sirdabsalot462 HAHA ya exactly I just thought it was ridiculous what are you going to go door to door weighing harvests it seems like a very hard law to enforce.