setting up 8 x 5 grow room with 2 1000 watt hps lights. too much?

Fish & Bread

Active Member
Okay so i just moved into a house and the master closet is huge, so I decided fuck clothes lets grow weed. With this said, it is not my first time growing but i've upgraded all my stuff lately so I went big. I bought 2 1000 watt HPS lights and some high priced feminized seeds. I plan on growing my plants in soil and want to grow them to full potential height wise for as much yield as i can get per plant so I dont know if it will be to crammed. So i figured someone on here would know. The closet is 8 feet deep and 5 feet wide. The ceiling is 8 feet tall, so height shouldnt be a problem. please help me out . if anyone also has any suggestions please feel free to post them I could use all the help I can get. bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Okay so i just moved into a house and the master closet is huge, so I decided fuck clothes lets grow weed. With this said, it is not my first time growing but i've upgraded all my stuff lately so I went big. I bought 2 1000 watt HPS lights and some high priced feminized seeds. I plan on growing my plants in soil and want to grow them to full potential height wise for as much yield as i can get per plant so I dont know if it will be to crammed. So i figured someone on here would know. The closet is 8 feet deep and 5 feet wide. The ceiling is 8 feet tall, so height shouldnt be a problem. please help me out . if anyone also has any suggestions please feel free to post them I could use all the help I can get. bongsmiliebongsmilie
if your gonna want to grow them out you want at least 5gal pots. for soil i'd go with fox farm ocean forest soil. depending on how many plants you want to have going you might want to setup a perpetual harvest by splitting your closet into two rooms, one for vegging and one for flowering.

You are also going to want ventilation like a couple of box fans or oscillating fans, get some reflective mylar to distribute the light or paint the walls a flat white, nutes i'd recommend fox farm or general hydroponics, get yourself a couple of good timers, maybe a co2 setup to help increase yields, and if your worried about smell get a carbon scrubber. hope that helps somewhat


Well-Known Member
Fish I dont see a problem with 2 1000wts.You have 5'x8'=40sqft.Take your 2000watts divided by 40=50watts/sqft thats what most people shoot for.Like docd187 said just make sure you have exhast & carbon scubber if needed.Good Luck&Stay Safe!


Active Member
Speaking from experience in using a 400W HPs in a closet, I would say that is way too much. Of course, if you do a hell of a job properly venting the area, it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
more light more yield! i recently had to shut down an 8'x12' and i had all the above mentioned, you will need a carbon scrubber unless you dont mind the odor, co2 is optional,...everything else is up to you, but i think your most critical job would be getting the wiring don properly, your gonna have 2000watts equaling 18amps right there...many ballast have the option to change from 110 to 220, so the thing is having an electricitian friend you can trust cus have a 20 amp breaker plus extra outlets run into a closet is suspicous to a stranger, plus i dont know what region your in and i dont know what your price per KWH is, your looking at atleast a $250A MONTH in extra charges, utility companies notice that, where im from they like to roll back meters, thats if your in a well populated area, if you have like 3 houses per block they can notice your surge in power


Well-Known Member
are you going to use air cooled reflectors? OMG i went from 400w bat wing to the enclosed hood and what a difference, i used to use an a/c now i dont need it

Fish & Bread

Active Member
okay so i want to grow 20 plants to the full potential. I also dont want to split the room into a vegetating and flowering room. Also I am getting a charcoal filter and as far as cooling the room I was thinking maybe a small A/C unit and 2 box fans. The HPS lights I got are in the tube like fixture and its supposed to help with the heat. Would 1 1000 watt HPS light be sufficient for 20 plants or not enough, thanks


Well-Known Member
I suggest you get air cooled reflectors and a vortex inline fan... have no intake or exast but a co2 tank and use both lights


Well-Known Member
I suggest you get air cooled reflectors and a vortex inline fan... have no intake or exast but a co2 tank and use both lights
i tiotally agree, forget the a/c use the co2, let the temps rise no higher than 95 and let the co2 go! just make sure you get inline fans to suck out the heat of the air cooler reflectors,most likely you have cool tubes, just exhaust that hot air out of the room....piece of can certainly fit 20 5gal pots under 1x1000w


Well-Known Member
ffish, you never responded about my electrical question, whats your plans for your wiring? im not into that so i would never try it myself, that bill will be high if you have both those 1000watters going

Fish & Bread

Active Member
about the electrical part the kid im growing with is a certified electrician.... and about the 2 lights would i see a big difference using 2 lights for 20 plants as far as yield and stuff or would it be smarted to just go with 1 1000 watt hps? as far as the co2 thing goes, could someone explain to me how i could get the co2 to release whenever temps hit 95. b/c for cooling the room we were gonna probably have to do cool tubes and well this shit is in my bedroom and id rather use something else and spend the money on co2 rather then electric bill.


Well-Known Member
its not going to be 250 dollars a month. thats bullshit. im using around 3000 total watts on my grow and its barely 120...


Well-Known Member
it depends on where you live, utility companies charge differently, as for the co2, you need a good controller, one that controls the a/c and myself i dont own one, i just go on a timer, from my experience, once you have the cooltube going you will be able to sustain whatever the high temp maybe...for instance, when you turn the lights out, you can have the co2 shut off same time


Well-Known Member
Okay so i just moved into a house and the master closet is huge, so I decided fuck clothes lets grow weed. With this said, it is not my first time growing but i've upgraded all my stuff lately so I went big. I bought 2 1000 watt HPS lights and some high priced feminized seeds. I plan on growing my plants in soil and want to grow them to full potential height wise for as much yield as i can get per plant so I dont know if it will be to crammed. So i figured someone on here would know. The closet is 8 feet deep and 5 feet wide. The ceiling is 8 feet tall, so height shouldnt be a problem. please help me out . if anyone also has any suggestions please feel free to post them I could use all the help I can get. bongsmiliebongsmilie
a 1000watt hp is alot of heat, its alotta air to move


Active Member
ok first off most people go 1000w per 4x4 you have 2 4x5's so thats perfect also even with co2 you need an exuast fan preferably inline not squirrel(no intake is needed as you will install an a/c and the air will "find" its way in) also you want the room sealed tight ..... i just did calculations at 11 cents a killowatt hour at 12 hours a day and its 80 buck for 2KW in veg youll spend 120/month at 18 hours a day but by packing in plant under 1 light for veg youll half that to 60


Active Member
sorry stoner here (if you couldn't tell) lmao anyways c02 and get a controller for about 300 bucks and another 200 for the tank your talkin 500 that will give a 4-5 foot 3 ounce yeilding plant a full nother ounce at 20 plants thats like 5 grand more in smoke no brainer but again the room needs be sealed a/c keeps temps at about 85 not 95 (stomatas open at about the low 70's and funtion best in cannabis at 78)that is at 400ppm of c02 with enrichment of 1200,1500, and even 1800 ppm you need more opened stomatas witch is why higher temps are ok but remmeber guys when dealing with extreme temps you develope bugs prolems mould and even nute lockup so i never recoment more than 80 without c02 and 90 with it. i just had a 3 hour talk with my local hydro store guy about sealed rooms and co2 right now im going to run 18 plants under 200watts


Active Member
with the same setupmentioned with 9 plants per light in a 3x3 config. and im shooting for that famed 2 pounds per light but ill be happy with 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 for my first big grow ... finished my box grow i have pics of the veg process no one cared so i droped it but even if no one logs my next grow im going to do a detailed step by step process of grow rooms setup veggin temps im even going to run 2 possibly 3 nute lines side by side definatly including fox farm .... all in FF soil though so again run the a/c put an exuast fan (sorry i didnt metion it is for exuasting STALE air every 2 hours or so) put it on like a 2 hour cycle and you c02 on a controler and everything should be great man .... an do post pics i want to go at this "with" you and compare notes


Well-Known Member
thats great for light. just make sure you have enought ventelation to keep the temp down around 70 and make sure you get some oscelating fans. you could get some wall mounted ones to save floor space. the best you could do is air cool your light hoods if possable. vent the heat right out.


Well-Known Member
you might also want to get some sort of pully settup for the lights. if your going to grow a bunch of plants all the way out and then flower in there you might not be able to walk through there to raise or lower your lights.


Active Member
okay so i want to grow 20 plants to the full potential. I also dont want to split the room into a vegetating and flowering room. Also I am getting a charcoal filter and as far as cooling the room I was thinking maybe a small A/C unit and 2 box fans. The HPS lights I got are in the tube like fixture and its supposed to help with the heat. Would 1 1000 watt HPS light be sufficient for 20 plants or not enough, thanks
If you cram them in a 4x4 sqft area! Hahahaha focus on canopy coverage per sqft not plant count. Look up how to scrog grow...