Several small Walmart LED's vs popular LED grow lights.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. this is my first time posting to a forum of any kind. Medical marijuana has recently been voted to be legal in my home state and I've done a lot of reading on growing marijuana, and it seems the more I read about growing it, the more excited and eager I become to grow my own. I can only pray I will be approved for a medical marijuana license.

Anyway, I was wondering if instead of spending my money on an expensive grow light, I could just buy a couple of these 7 bulb light splitters that I've seen on amazon and just buy some 9 watt led lights from Walmart.

If I were to buy two of these bulb splitters and fit them with 9 watt led's, I could equal 126 watts of led light. I feel as though a lot of energy is wasted in how far traditional led grow lights have to be kept from the plants from burning them.

My thinking is that since these 9 watt walmart bulbs are each such low in power and are covered by a plastic "bulb" that disperses the light, and that it is not concentrated in a straight beam and won't light burn the plants (unlike how traditional grow led lights do if you move them too close), I could move them closer to the plants because the actual led bulb has that plastic light dispersing "bulb" over them that traditional grow led lights lack.

I haven't found any information on the internet from people growing with these types of lights so I was wondering if anyone on this forum would have any insight on this kind of setup given the information I have provided. I understand lower kelvins are for flowering and higher ones for vegging and will take this into consideration if and when I start legally growing for myself.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
First, take the globe off. It diffuses and therefore reduces the light hitting your plant. Also look for the kelvin number, look for 3000-4000K. I would go up to 14w or higher lamps though.

Have a look in the LED section, I'm sure you'll find threads on doing the sort of thing you are talking about, whether it is via a splitter or a rig of individual lampholders.


Well-Known Member
I tried what you are doing and it was a hassle constantly moving wires and bulbs around the tent, and for the same price I could buy a
2', 4 bulb hoT5 light with reflector. It didn't use much electricity either. I think it was $5 a month to run?
You can use whatever K rated bulb range you want to, or mix and match.


Well-Known Member
Well, you could have a look in the lighting section and you'll see everything there and get the best advice.

But what I mean by a rig with individual lampholders is a frame or board/plate with the lampholders fixed to it so it's one cable in and then are linked together.

Oh, the reason I say 3000-4000K is because that is accepted as pretty much the best if you want to use the one light from seed to harvest, no messing around changing bulbs or anything or mixing and matching, just one straight run from start to finish. Makes sense when you think about it.

It's not oregano

Well-Known Member
They obviously don’t work as well as the dearer cobs, strips, boards etc, but they DO grow much better bud than CFL bulbs in a similar setup. They are an ideal way to get your feet wet without splashing out too much cash. My lights cost about £45 for everything.
As fubard mentioned above, rip the globes off to get much more output.
Struggling on my phone to do this, but this is a link to the last few pics of an auto grow i did recently under 154w of ledbulbs (12 bulbs of varying wattage of 12-15w, depending where i got them from). Just scroll down a bit to see my post.
*edit - i have another post further down the page with my trimmed buds pictured as well.
Ended up with 209g dry in total from 2 Mephisto sour livers.
I will try and show my bulbs if i can find a pic in my old posts.
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Well-Known Member
I tried what you are doing and it was a hassle constantly moving wires and bulbs around the tent, and for the same price I could buy a
2', 4 bulb hoT5 light with reflector. It didn't use much electricity either. I think it was $5 a month to run?
You can use whatever K rated bulb range you want to, or mix and match.
Yeah I thought about either a ho t5 setup or one of those viparspectra lights off amazon. I might just go that route instead.