sex my plant!


Well-Known Member
Can't tell yet.

And for what with worth, if it shows balls, you still have a week or two before damage is done.

(Just a general comment to the crowd: ya spend all that $$ on seeds, yet kill the only resource to get more for free. Aren't you trying to get 'free weed'? Males are a good thing. I have *yet* to get one :( )


Well-Known Member
Too early to tell. Have you been keeping an eye on the temps of the water and also the PH? Make sure you give that a check :hump:


Well-Known Member
No way to tell yet.

Although, even if you may think it's a male don't throw it out yet. When the plants are in a very early stage of preflower it is hard to tell if the plants are male or female. I usually wait till I see Defined Pistils or Multiple Sacks.


Active Member
wow, I wasn't getting emails telling me I got a reply, so I hadn't checked this thread. Thanks a lot to those who responded! I haven't thought to keep an eye on water temperature, and I'm sure that could be a problem.

If knocking a plant over stresses it, this thing had a VERY troubled childhood. My cab is an old server tower, but it's also on the carpet, and the plants shelf is a piece of cardboard. This fragile setup meant my plants fell quite a bit, ,hydroton everywhere, stems bent, maybe 5-8 times. I have an old post talkin about the setup, but out of the 12 I started with, this 1 is all thats left, except the John McClain of pot plants which never took when I transplanted into the 18 gallon, until recently. I even tried to kill it by bending the stem so it couldnt transport nutrients from roots to leaves, and the mofo still popped back. The pH in the water was pretty much set and left at somewhere between 5.5 and 6. It's been about 2 weeks and I'll be adding more water soon (should have already).

I have 2 more seeds sprouted and ready to roll, but with only one light It will be hard to decide on the lighting with the plants planted so far apart. They look completely different though, the 2 seedlings, the leaves being short and fat on one, and long skinny on the other. I know thats just indica/sativa, but it's just so distinct i think it's cool =)

I'll update my old post with other progress and info, and keep this one sex oriented ;)

Thanks again everybody!