Sex of Seeds

I am reading an article on Honest Marijuana called "The 7 Key Stages Of The Marijuana Plant Life Cycle". The writer discusses sorting seeds by sex. Is this possible? I attached a screenshot of the section.



Well-Known Member
You can't tell sex of a seed, I'm sorry but that is pure BS. There's a lot of great info out there, but there's just as much bad info. Gotta learn to sift out the voodoo from what's real. You can have seedlings tested before they show sex though.
Never heard of that
Me neither, I am doing my first grow now so I am having a hard time separating factual information from the fictional.

You can't tell sex of a seed, I'm sorry but that is pure BS. There's a lot of great info out there, but there's just as much bad info. Gotta learn to sift out the voodoo from what's real. You can have seedlings tested before they show sex though.
You are so right, it seems as if people without experience are making websites to capitalize on an increased interest in growing due to legalization in more states.