Shipping 8oz to Hawaii from Cali


Well-Known Member
I've successfully done this using Fedex Canada from the US. PM me if you wanna know the method used to avoid detection by customs.

However, I would NOT recommend doing this via air...nor would I have even tried to do so.
Kinda hard to get to Hawaii via ground...


Well-Known Member
no fruits vegitables, juice, nothing ! every thing is xrayed or screned, they don't fuck around in Hawaii you will get busted and go to jail 100 % to that state !. might as well turn your self in now for a reduced sentence ,


Well-Known Member
I know you said you don't want to hear it, but I've got a couple buddies who will tell you it's a terrible idea... Through a collect call. On top of that, it's not like you are going to fucking Cleveland or something, NEWS FLASH.. get that Maui Waui player!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know about Hawaii because it isn't actually attached to the continental US but I have received a package from inside the US successfully. It is pretty nerve racking waiting though lol.


Well-Known Member
ship with usps, they have to obtain a search warrant to open packages. split the shipment up in separate packages, don't just send the 8 oz. all at once in a giant box. triple vac seal your herb and put that in a moisture barrier bag. of-course do your best to disguise the package as another item (by splitting up the herb into multiple packages this becomes easier).

also, make sure your hands are clean before you handle the packaging. by this i mean don't go take 3 bong rips then pack up your bud, not a good idea. wipe down the bag o' buds to rid the outside of your packaging of all smell. with the amount of time it takes for your package to arrive in Hawaii a triple vac sealed bag should not become permeable, but if you've already got smell on the outside see lol.


The last time I heard of someone doing this successfully they vacuum sealed once, then put some bearing grease on the outside. Then they put that into another vacuum bag and sealed it. This was put into a box with carbon paper around it. Apparently the carbon paper helps with the xray but I don't believe it. It's worked for them a few times.


Active Member
I'll wont say its a bad idea, I'll say its a terrible idea haha
transporting anything in the US by airplane 'sneaky' just sounds like asking for trouble.

But if you must:
I dunno if dogs get trained for it by now but there was this substance dogs didnt like by instinct and avoided it, i dunno the english name but it letterly translates to: wolfs lard/fat

As far as x-rays goes, they see layers, of coloring, thus hiding it under something is a wrong approach.
You must cloak it with other organic goods which have similair structure.
Maybe you can use it combined with a hay/straw and some styrofoam and pretend its some protection filling for a flask or bottle :)


Active Member
The last time I heard of someone doing this successfully they vacuum sealed once, then put some bearing grease on the outside. Then they put that into another vacuum bag and sealed it. This was put into a box with carbon paper around it. Apparently the carbon paper helps with the xray but I don't believe it. It's worked for them a few times.

creative. bearing grease is perfect, dogs wouldnt know that smell.

dumb still tho.

and why are people worrying about a xray. xrays see bones and metal. not buds. duhhhh


Well-Known Member
In regards to the smell might I suggest going to a sporting good store and get some animal smell (bear, deer, moose whatever.) double bag everything then put on new gloves (or wash your hands like going in to surgery,) bag it again, wash hands thoroughly again, then package. Don't put the box on the table you break down on or anywhere that the weed has been.


Well-Known Member
ship with usps, they have to obtain a search warrant to open packages. split the shipment up in separate packages, don't just send the 8 oz. all at once in a giant box. triple vac seal your herb and put that in a moisture barrier bag. of-course do your best to disguise the package as another item (by splitting up the herb into multiple packages this becomes easier).

also, make sure your hands are clean before you handle the packaging. by this i mean don't go take 3 bong rips then pack up your bud, not a good idea. wipe down the bag o' buds to rid the outside of your packaging of all smell. with the amount of time it takes for your package to arrive in Hawaii a triple vac sealed bag should not become permeable, but if you've already got smell on the outside see lol.

I will waste my time, You should not do this. if your sending it to a friend, they are not your friend asking you to take such risks for pot, Tell them to get a connection in state. if your doing it for profit, (8 ozs x $350 or so an oz= not enough money for risk of jailtime/courtcosts etc).
of course everything I say here is just to sound cool I would never have done this :)
about 20 years ago I might have done this but with much less to send, don't know how that ass convinced me to do it, but I risked jail for some asshole to get high, he had just moved and could not find anyone for awhile in new state to get it from.

as for the quote above, I'm not sure if your aware of the current state of the country. But the guberment does not seem to pay attention to laws themselves and makes rules as they go along. How many times in the past 2 decades have you seen the office of the president declare executive privilege when told by a court to hand over information. Torturing people is not only against international law but morally wrong. Oh and to the torture supporters, I know I know they aren't being tortured, waterboarding is only forced drinking of water really fast, or whatever dumb shit you have to say. I don't trust this government at all. and I wouldn't trust my freedom on the idea they need a search warrant to open your letters. Seems with the current state of things they would just claim they thought they saw Arabic letters on the package so to prevent the terrorists from winning we had to violate your freedoms.

don't expect you to listen, see you in 24 months. peace


Active Member
ship with usps, they have to obtain a search warrant to open packages. split the shipment up in separate packages, don't just send the 8 oz. all at once in a giant box. triple vac seal your herb and put that in a moisture barrier bag. of-course do your best to disguise the package as another item (by splitting up the herb into multiple packages this becomes easier).

also, make sure your hands are clean before you handle the packaging. by this i mean don't go take 3 bong rips then pack up your bud, not a good idea. wipe down the bag o' buds to rid the outside of your packaging of all smell. with the amount of time it takes for your package to arrive in Hawaii a triple vac sealed bag should not become permeable, but if you've already got smell on the outside see lol.
Stop giving advice. Thr vacum seal part, eh maybe, though there is a better way to do it. But the packages thing, no you are so wrong. My dad worked for ups he was a real higher up there. They need no search warrant or shit, it's implied consent by using the service. Much like driving. I really don't feel like debunking this more and telling him how to do it correctly. Since my dad was the one who taught me how to ship steroids and all for plausible deniability for both buyer and seller, as well as not getting caught with xrays in the off chance you do. But I'm not giving that shit out, since it's utterly ridiculous to send 8oz of weed. But he's gonna do it regardless, so I'd rather he didn't follow useless, wrong, advice.


Active Member
I wouldn't be worried about dogs, more so electrovacuum particle sniffers. Don't add a bunch of shit that would set it off under a false alarm either lol, it doesn't just search for drugs but other toxins/chemicals.

Bad idea all around but goodluk lol, and I don't know their protocol for searching specific shit, some are probably scrutinized more then others depending on different factors.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Cat Litter... That's how Columbia gets their Coke to the US....

Do you know who the Biggest Drug Smugglers in the world are?...... UPS And Fedex...

SWIM Uses Coffee grounds in a travel Cup... Dogs can't smell it, X-rays look like coffee grounds... I wouldn't do the Whole 8 though... Not at once... Especially your first time


Well-Known Member
there is no way to hide a package like that, from a dog ! they find packages in side gas tanks ! welded shut, and gas around it, now your talking axle grease, lol do you think people are stupid? only way they don't find this package is if, you get lucky, by the way did you scramble your ip address on here, ive been to Hawaii,. if the package is any way funky looking they open it then and there no search warrants, buddy . reply back to us if you get away with this , were all want to know

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
What idiot would put a package on a "plain" anyways..idjits
Actually... Alot of people do... Especially If they want to send Ganja to Hawaii... And belive it or not, they're plenty of "Plains" On a Plane. A 'Plain'(in geography) is an Object that is flat or gently rolling, with relatively low relief. Everything on a Plane is a Plain... Except for the outer shell called The "Skin" Skin shell can have many shapes and sizes that almost are never 'Flat' but only seem to a certain Point of view.... My Dad works for Boeing... Best Belive I was made to learn this...

But, in all fairness... I should have said "Plane" you're right... Sue Me