

Well-Known Member
I was transplanting my plant into a 10 gallon and i broke the branch on it! What should i do or is that branch not important?shit1.jpgIts kind of hard to see its right in front, its kind of just hanging. Advice please


Active Member
is it just a leaf stalk idk if im looking at the right thing in the pic but if it is just pluck it off no harm done


Well-Known Member
It's not important. That thing is still small with lots of growin to do. Its too small of a branch to try to save. The plant would use most of its energy trying to repair the wound instead of just growing.


Well-Known Member
Okay, Thanks guys for the advice. Its my first grow so i guess i am just paranoid. Best wishes to all your grows this season!!


Well-Known Member
I would probably tape it, but I'm the bandaid queen. I have never lost a limb that was taped yet!


Well-Known Member
I dont have any cloning stuff :( i dont even think i can clone it.. its really small its not like a main branch to clone. I am new to this so i dont know much


Well-Known Member
Just tape it. After a few days you will see if it is healing. If not in that time you can get some rooting stuff. And clone it.


New Member
Just tape it. After a few days you will see if it is healing. If not in that time you can get some rooting stuff. And clone it.
yep but he may have waited to long and might just need to chuck it
whats up bro get my internet finally expect to see me talking shit all over
well maybe not last time didnt go to good lol