Shooting powder??


So, i went to a hydroponics store and was looking for "CarboLoad" made by Advanced Nutrients. they told me that they didnt carry it but i should try out this "shooting powder" it cost $20 for a sachet. i went on they're website and it seemed almost too good to be true. Has anyone had any success with this? should i try something else instead? im actually growing in an aeroponics system. personal. got one plant. super silver haze. actually had a jacks cleaner2 and seriously that might have been one of the best buds i've ever smoked. i love my sativas. THANKS


WHY DOES NOBODY REPLY TO ANY OF MY POSTS?? am i doing something wrong? i never use these forums or whatever u call them. damn you'd think we are all here to help each other out. i thought cannabis was suppose to bring everyone together.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Never heard of "shooting powder". I just use old fashioned non-sulfur molasses. It's local, it's cheap, and many people say their expensive carb loading products smells like molasses.


Well-Known Member
i use shooting powder the last few weeks in my aero set up..its made by house and garden..i get at least 1 3/4 lbs everytime i i guess its good!

plus its part of the feeding schedule i follow for aqua flakes.


Active Member
Shooting powder is great to use in the last few weeks of bloom. Just make sure you cut your base nutrients in half when you use it so you don’t burn. This is to make room for the extra “kick” you are gonna give them. In my opinion, it is the best late bloom enhancer out there. The end result is clean taste and a beautiful, crystally look….…I use it every run….… Crystal clean! ……Peace and good luck.


Active Member
I used the whole H&G line for my last run. The shooting powder and bud xl are the stars of the lineup. Just don't use it if your plants are severely stressed out. This product triggers a second aggressive flowering period to start, and an unhealthy plant may not be ready for the rapid change.