Shot glass competiton (invite only)


Well-Known Member
no She is talking about making a hydro system where the entire thing is a shotglass...

picture a DWC but a shotglass.

Silent Running

Active Member
Hmmm. I see that two ways. One way would be ok and the other not. Like if you use something like a collar (or net pot) to keep it all confined to 1 shot glass (1 ounce) then that's fine. But if you are using a double system like two containers, upper holding hydroton or other medium and bottom holding roots...technically I think that would be a no. That would be growing in two containers.

However, it is Natty's comp. So if he says confining roots to one container and allowing upward growth in another is fine....then I'm changing my setup. lol.

And Natty posted while I was writing this, so disregard it. :p


Well-Known Member
it is a shot glass. its a shot glass filled with hydroton and a drip hydro system. It still only has one container to grow in.

btw no luck from the 2nd seed yet.


Well-Known Member
then it shall be done...

Baja has three of them so i dont see why having multiple entries would be against the rules. It would be cool if each entry was slightly different, but if not who cares

Silent Running

Active Member
One of the reasons I switched to dwc (hyrdo) this time was to free up some time. Between required classes and seminars for my masters program and work....I didn't want to be tied constantly to the grow. What I have found with the shotglass is....I am tied to it! lol I think the auto drip/hydroton is a great idea...I think those of you with plastic shot glasses are on to something....not only for drainage but you can also take paperclips and melt tiny holes along the top rim and do some stuff with lst'ing. My biggest thing now is feeding her. I have about a week before I am going to start.....

Oh wait, Natty said no tips or strategy! Almost spilled my big plan. Um, nothing further to see here. Move along.


Well-Known Member
melt tiny holes along the top rim and do some stuff with lst'ing
I had already thought of this lol...

I was just kidding about the tips. If you wanna give away all your secrets, go ahead :)