Should food be a right?

Should food be a right?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 63.8%
  • No

    Votes: 17 36.2%

  • Total voters
Allow me to clear things up and introduce myself. Hi, my name is AlphaPhase and I'm a Democrat turned independent. I agree with many social programs and at the same time like to see fiscal responsibility. I'm against war but feel we do need a decent sized military. I also think the US spends far too much money on military and war and far too little money on its veterans. I'd like to see a better VA system. I'd like to see the lower class be lifted up rather than drug along. I'd like to see the middle class boom again. I think most drugs should be legalized because the war on drugs is an utter failure. I think people should be able to be whatever they want (lgbt) but seeing this crap about bathrooms on the news and radio all day every day irritates the shit out of me. It's time to move on because now the conservatives are fucking it up more than it was before it was brought up. Equal pay for equal work, regardless of sex (but if the lady in the marriage wants to be a stay at home mom and make awesome sandwiches, that's pretty fucking cool. Her choice.) woman should have the right to choose to abort. But ONLY if it's BEFORE it has a heart beat, unless there's serious complications. No 7 month abortion, that just sucks to think about. I think people should also be more responsible and try NOT to have kids if they aren't ready and can't afford it, but I know shit happens sometimes. I'm pro guns. I'm Anti corruption. I'm anti super PAC. And the voting system pisses me off. I think borders are a good idea. I don't think deporting people that are here illegally is right if they've been here a while and are making a good life for themselves, but I think there should be a simple registering process for them to become legal. I'm also for allowing refugees but only if they are properly vetted. Especially during turmoil. There was just a ICE swat team in a tiny town I lived in today, in NY. Right next to were I lived. So threats are REAL. Especially if it happened in that small ass upstate NY town.

That is all.

If you are against war, that is a good thing.

If you are against war because you value reason and peaceful interactions, eventually you may come to see that to be consistent, you would necessarily oppose involuntary human interactions.
If you are against war, that is a good thing.

If you are against war because you value reason and peaceful interactions, eventually you may come to see that to be consistent, you would necessarily oppose involuntary human interactions.
I'm against needless war, or rushing into war and starting war over special interests. But I know war is needed sometimes to maintain harmony.