Should I be worried about the heat?


Well-Known Member
So I've notice my heat has rose a bit in my grow tent. I also noticed the temperature outside is 80 degrees. Could this be affecting the thermometers I have inside my tent? I'm currently sittin inside the tent to see if I feel heat that I wouldn't be able to handle. But all I feel is cool air coming in. Tempts usually around 70's. am I worrying too much? Or is it a problem? I also put my hand close to the hps lamp I'm using about 5-7 inches off and it didn't bother me at all the lamp is about 18 inches away from plants.



Well-Known Member
You have two thermometers giving basically the same temp so I think it is accurate. It may be running hotter than what it feels because it is in the light. The ones I have say they should be mounted in the shade for accurate temps. You could try taping a small piece of carboard to the top and see if it goes down to where you think is truer temp.


Well-Known Member
I agree with both of these guys. Just relaxe. I've seen these plants grow in 100 degree heat
Really? Wow okay that helps I guess I'm over stressing my self okay thank you all. And also I did put some like box around the thermometers it seem like it did the trick back to 77 degrees