should i give my plants some time with no light?


iv been keeping my lights on 24 7 should i be turning them off for 6 hours so my plant has a time with no light?


ye iv been reading that i also read that if you give her some cool down time it gives her time to work on her roots. im kinda stumped haha


Well-Known Member
its good to give plants a rest period but 24/7 is the fastest veg lighting. red light is a good way to do this. run your light for 18/6 then for the other 6 hours only run a red light. this will allow the plant to enter a sleep like state yet never stop photosynthesizing.


New Member
If you skip a couple feedings and use plain water it will grow more roots. Its a way for the plant to go looking for more nutrients. as long as doesn't turn yellow on you


Well-Known Member
hey, Im sure you will get lots of different info on here and im sure it comes down to preference. Personally I do a 6hr 'night' with the rest in day through the veg stage. I read that it gives the plants a more natural environment. I also read that it there is no dramatic difference in having a 24hr light cycle in Veg. You will most certainly save some cash, maybe not much..but you get closer to the grams/watt/30days,.but hey its your call.

If you do some trawling through the threads on here you will no doubt find lots of info..

Having the lights of will also give the plants a nice temp. difference (with a change in humidity). Speaking of the night cycle some people even state that they get a faster flower on a 10hr day but I kinda have my doubts....

sorry if im all over the place..

Take it easy..


Well-Known Member
yeah you could switch the bulb i just have 2 timers so they can come on opposite of eachother. 18/6 is over rated there has been mad comparisons between 24/0 and 18/6 but its generally accepted 24/0 is better

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
How long should lights run? This depends on the type of plant. Most plants and vegetables need about 10 to 12 hours of light to promote growth. Plants that produce fruits or flowers will show improvement with up to 16 hours a day of supplemental light

This is from Green Man Page.
I do 12/12 straight from seedlings it seems to work out great.


Well-Known Member
I would for sure recommend u put them in 18/6, if they r past the seedling/young clone stage... They need the dark time to let their roots develop... With the dark period, they may out grow themselves, so to speak... SO, YES... Let them rest, and see them flourish....


Well-Known Member
Plants grown from seed only ever on 12/12, never have ANY time to put on any substantial, or even semi-substantial size, and I would recommend AT LEAST a month under 18/6, before you go to 12/12, but in my opinion, Ive seen the best results when plants are left under 18/6, and vegged out "properly", until they become sexually mature, showing their preflowers, BEFORE switching to 12/12, because there's no "forced jump" in their growth, there's proper "seasons" and allow for proper formations, and strength and hybrid vigor to be in place before "throwing them" right into flowering... Kindof like expecting a toddler to go from daycare to a full-time job before they have even gone thru high-school, u know?


sound good i switched to 18/6 been goin on it for like 4 days now instead of 24/o figured it would help in the end,