Should I have this plant on full sun or it's better to wait until she's bigger? PICS


Hi I am just wondering if this plant is okay to received full sun or it's better to put her on a spot where there's a little bit of shadow and at the same time sun. Thanks

Ma little girl.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have been wondering the same thing. I have a couple projects going. One is hydro drip with a grow room I'm building and the other is a window grow with bag seed. I've been wondering how she would do just in the window or if I should take her outside every day for 6 hours of direct sunlight. Also.... I say "her" in hopes that's what I will get.


Well-Known Member
Now don't quote me on this but i believe windows have UV protection therefore the plant does not get adiquit sunlight thru a window. I would definitely put them outside in direct sunlight for as long as you can and at least get some cfl's or t5's to put your baby's under when not outside...because as of right now in the stage ur plants are in they need as much sun as they can get. Some people say marijuana plants need some sort of shade during the day but i have had plants set up outside in spots where the plant got full morning sun all the way to the end of the day without any shade at all and id say they thrived better than plants that were in spots with shade during the day. So i say take that baby of yours and put her in full sunlight and make sure she gets full morning sun because that is the most important sun for a weed plant in my eyes. Good luck buddy.


Active Member
I put them out that small every year but, I put them in a milk crate and on sunny days I put a screen over the milk crate.


I find my little seedlings just love this warm spring sunshine in SoCal. After all they really are weeds. good luck