Should I kick this guy's ass ?

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Spiral Architect

Active Member
I'm going with mattso101 on this one, you should call the police.

If you end up going to this guys house, breaking in, then beating the shit out of him, messing up his house and then leaving your facing some SERIOUS charges, i.e. assault with a deadly weapon, breaking and entering, etc.

Call the police, tell them what happened. If it truly happened today the police can swing by his house within a few days (I'm sure the bike will still be there).

Taking 'justice' in to your own hands is going to end you up in one of three places ; a jail cell, a hospital, the Albanian mob's hit list.

Be careful, be smart, be responsible man, no need to go busting heads for shit like this.


Well-Known Member
He knows you puff, so if u cal the cops, u get nailed. This is the main reason that mj smokers MUST push for legitimacy, or else we have no other rights as well.

I would video him stealing other stuff. Then post it on the net, mail the CD to his family, and boss or place of work.

Leave the rest to karma. No need to get your hands dirty over the scum. Or you could just take his stuff. Twice as much as was stolen by him. The Bible recommends this. Thats cos in the days of moses camcorders were pretty expensive...


Well-Known Member
Im 100% in favor of bashing the fuk out of people who deserve it & it sounds like this guy deserves it very much,you gotta weight the odd's though instead of going off half cocked.

What will it gain from bashing him,obviously you'll feel better, i know i would ,but will you get the bike back or has he sold it for crack,will he call the cop's & press charges,my experience tells me that sneaky little fucks like him always do,then they play the innocent victim routine on the stand & your hammered.

You want to get this fuker back worse than an ass whopping with not much possibility of you getting into any shit,you'll need some supplies first.Here's what you do,go to Home Depot & pick up a few things.

5 lbs 16d spiral shank nails.

1pc 4x8 plywood.

Paint for camo to match the surroundings.

A tool box or bike.

Take the nails & put them in a bucket & start pissing on them daily,let them sit in the piss for a week or two,then paint the plywood to match the surroundings,get some gloves on & drive the rusty pissy infected nails through the plywood all over the place,you cant have too many nails.

Take the tool box or bike & put it in a corner of your yard where the asshole can see it,then lay the plywood in front of the bait,throw a little dead grass & leaves lightly on top of the plywood & nails,now you wait for the scream.

Thieves are too busy looking around to see who might be watching them to notice anything at their feet,once he feels safe he'll dash for the bait,he will crash down on them nails with full force,this is where the spiral shank nails are so important,they are a bitch to pull out because of the spiral design,now its gonna hurt even more pulling his foot off that mess of nails & take meat with it too.

The best part is that once he get's loose he'll limp home & wash his feet but it wont do much good,the piss all over the nails will infect the shit out of his foot overnight,when he wakes up in the morning his foot will look like a yellow football,he'll be lucky if he dont loose the foot.

If he calls the cop's just act shocked & concerned,maybe even a little angry that somebody would put sometthing like that in your yard.

Why yes officer,thats my bike & tool box.

No,i have no idea where that wood & nails came from.

I cant believe somebody would throw dangerous building materials like that around where somebody could get hurt.

If i see anything i'll call you guy's right away.

Meanwhile the crack head thief is getting the puss lanced from his big yellow foot.

Pay back is a bitch.

Spiral Architect

Active Member
Whatever you do, do not listen to PoseidonsNet or Panhead, they are both terrible, and rather stupid, suggestions. Call the police man, you have nothing to worry about if you don't have any marijuana on you, or are under the influence. They have no reason to go and kick down your door, when he is the obvious criminal.


He knows you puff, so if u cal the cops, u get nailed. This is the main reason that marijuana smokers MUST push for legitimacy, or else we have no other rights as well.

I would video him stealing other stuff. Then post it on the net, mail the CD to his family, and boss or place of work.

Leave the rest to karma. No need to get your hands dirty over the scum. Or you could just take his stuff. Twice as much as was stolen by him. The Bible recommends this. Thats cos in the days of moses camcorders were pretty expensive...
Man, you are a dolt. Pushing for legitimacy? Ha! You mean legalization? And the Bible doesn't condone stealing, last I checked...


Active Member
Thats good you have weapons training and everything D but Id still be careful if I were you. If hes scumbag enough to steal a fucking bicycle then hes dumb enough to pull a gun or blade on ya.

Im not doubting your abilities or anything especially if you have trained a while and have expereince fighting, but he can get lucky with a quick move or an off day for you... one mistake could end up cutting you bad or get a bullet through you.

Also, if theres some people there Im sure they aint sittin around while thier boy gets his ass kicked. If someone in the back of the room pulls a gun your fucked dude, theres no way you could close the distance and take him out before he gets you.

Id either just steal the bike back and leave a note and say dont fucking steal from me or id call the police. It might sound like a cool idea to go over there with a lead pipe or an aids infected nail gun shooter or whatever the fuck you guys can think up, but when shit really goes down and your looking at 4 crazy fucks with knives with nothing to live for or a piece... fuck that dude - Im not taking a bullet for a fucking bike. If you were getting mugged or assulted in the street and your girl is with you then yeah... take that shot to prevent her from getting hit and break his neck or kill him slow.

Call the cops or something... find somoene else who has had shit stolen too and report the guy.

Remember he fucking knows where you live man - Kick his ass one day and yay for you.... watch him show up with some friends and kick your door down and beat you and your chick.

$200 isnt worth it man, be safe :peace:


Well-Known Member
Call the police first if they dont get the bike back for you there are other ways of getting it back that dont involve beating someone down or being beaten down. be creative and you'll get the bike back if he still has it.


Well-Known Member
Well my girls got her Bike back :)

rofl.... ^^ The farther drop'd the charges against me, said i was a strong boy bla bla bla.... Invited me for dinner I told him to fuck off :)

And I told he's Wite ( Sons Mother ) WTF IS HE LIKE AT HOME... Oh he's an angel bla bla bla... I was like yeah, well on our streets he's gona get beat up sent to hospital and you will be visiting him in Hospital you were lucky your husband had the balls to actually touch, otherwise it would of been your son.

Schönen Abend noch ;)

I'm not going to prison ----- Didnt think i would anyway just to give the thread more hype :P:P


Well-Known Member
Well my girls got her Bike back :)

rofl.... ^^ The farther drop'd the charges against me, said i was a strong boy bla bla bla.... Invited me for dinner I told him to fuck off :)

And I told he's Wite ( Sons Mother ) WTF IS HE LIKE AT HOME... Oh he's an angel bla bla bla... I was like yeah, well on our streets he's gona get beat up sent to hospital and you will be visiting him in Hospital you were lucky your husband had the balls to actually touch, otherwise it would of been your son.

Schönen Abend noch ;)

I'm not going to prison ----- Didnt think i would anyway just to give the thread more hype :P:P

nice man the threads on here are pimp, i been waitin to find out if you got shot on your mission or what. u the man!!! viva Vigilatyism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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